The Place of Education in the promotion of peace (II) — Our Security, Our Peace By Prof. O.E Bassey


“With education, there are brighter chances of career enhancement, employment opportunities, and of course, higher earnings. What was once impossible for girls in the remote towns —say becoming a doctor or a lawyer—are now possibilities. And with these careers in place, many come back to work within their communities and support their families, often promoting peace.”

As being talked about from the previous edition, peace cannot be divorced from education. It is the wheel it needs to sustainable existence, as such, must be given the utmost priority it deserves.
Here are the other ways education helps in the promotion of peace:
Inspires Problem-Solving skills
Math skills are learned in classrooms. in Literature, students are often challenged to use logical thinking to analyse different pieces of literature. For scientific findings, historical events, critical thinking skills are also held out for. These skills can lead to innovative solutions and alternatives to violence.
Creates valuable opportunities
With education, there are brighter chances of career enhancement, employment opportunities, and of course, higher earnings. What was once impossible for girls in the remote towns —say becoming a doctor or a lawyer—are now possibilities. And with these careers in place, many come back to work within their communities and support their families, often promoting peace.
Increases political participation
A citizenry who is educated is less likely to stand for government corruption, and this can encourage more government accountability. For women, education can level the playing field, making them more likely to participate in political discussions, town meetings, and decision making, therefore leading to a government that represents its citizens more equally. Through this, everyone’s contribution towards the promotion of peace is guaranteed.
Reduces terrorism
Based on a survey, uneducated women are more likely to support terrorism, and educated women are less likely than their educated male peers to support this way of life. And if a woman doesn’t support it, perhaps she can talk her husband into not supporting it, and then her kids, other family members, and other members of her community. But with education exposing the ills of this practice, the chances of luring innocent citizens into being enemies of their own state is eliminated.
Reduces Poverty
Feelings of discomfort, malnourishment, and fear of not knowing where your next meal will come from can often lead to anger, and anger to violence. Education, especially when it’s combined with technical training has been proven to reduce poverty.  A study by UNESCO revealed that income around the world would be 23 percent higher per capita in countries with education for all. If poverty were reduced, violence is certain to follow suit.
Isaiah 54:13
“All your children will be taught by the Lord, and great will be their peace.”
I am delighted to inform you that come October, 1, 2024, we at NISSI Safety Management Institute: An Institute famous for Peace Leadership will be celebrating our 20th Anniversary.
To this end is our campaign to spread the education of peace leadership to both the old as young, women and children in various places from corporate organisations, to political organizations, worship centers, educational institutions, markets and communities.
It is in our belief that the more educated the people are in respect to peace leadership, the more peaceful our country will become.
So this is a call-to-action, to hop on our Peace campaign train, to arm yourself, your friends, your colleagues, your employees, your congregation with contemporary peace leadership knowledge that makes for a happier and more fulfilled life, personally and collectively.
Kindly call or send a message on Whatsapp to +2347065828892, to be a beneficiary of this.
Prof. Ofonime Emmanuel Bassey is a Leadership, Security, Peace and Conflict Resolution Coach with decades of experience in the practice and promotion of Law Enforcement, Peace and Security through the Nigeria Police and the United Nations.
He has served and interacted at the top level management of the Nigeria Police as well as internationally as a United Nation’s Monitor/Mentor in Kosovo, Europe.
A professor of Peace Advocacy and Conflict Resolution, Ofonime is a certified United Nation’s Trainer, and currently the Director of ICOF Institute of Leadership, Peace and Conflict Resolution in Africa.
With his marks well-established in Peace Leadership both in Nigeria and Africa. Currently, he is the President, NISSI Safety Management Institute: An Institute famous for Peace Leadership.
Presently, he is spearheading a campaign tagged “The Next Peace Leaders”, a campaign that is billed to run from 2022-2030 with a target of training 37,000 young peace leaders.
For leadership, conflict, peace and security consultations and trainings, reach him via:
Facebook: Dr. O.E Bassey
LinkedIn: Dr. O.E Bassey
Twitter: Dr. O.E Bassey
WhatsApp: +2347065828892

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