On  & African Somnambulism By Femi Akomolafe



The Trump phenomenon would surprise only those who did not study European history.

As I wrote in my essay “On Germany,”
“Those who are offering these theories do not study history. The hatred of foreigners did not start in Germany today or yesterday. The only constant in German history is an unremitting hatred of anything foreign.

Xenophobia is part of the German BEING. Hatred and persecution of strangers are part of the German SOUL. History tells us that Germans have organized attacks against foreigners since the twelfth century. One such group was the ARMLEDER, members of which wore red leather and short jackets to roam the streets with nothing but lynching intentions. In 1298, a German Knight, Rindfleisch, organized a series of pogroms against Jews whom he accused of murdering little children.

The story of Adolf Hitler, another product of Germany’s homophobic, is too well known to need recounting here…” http://alaye.biz/on-germany/


As I told some Afrikaners during the epic battles we fought on soc.culture.africa in the 1990s, Europeans were the only people who tried to forget that humanity’s history is that of migration. Apart from that, they are the only ones who give themselves the right to forgive their transgressions.

How ironic that the people who emptied their rejects to steal, plunder, and occupy other people’s lands in the Americas, Australia, Africa, New Zealand, and where else did I forget, are those who today are screaming that illegal immigration is haram!

Could the reason for not teaching history in most European schools be the fear of revealing hidden, dark secrets that are better left buried?

Oh, okay. They teach hagiography in their fanciful, overrated schools and pass it as gospel truth. Those excellent concoctions were designed to salve Europeans’ consciences and encourage them to continue dancing to their self-generated lullabies.

But I digress.

As we have maintained in this column, our primary audience is Africans, especially those with high degrees from Ivy League universities oozing from every orifice in their bodies, whose minds have been bent to genuflect at the altar of Westernism. They remain the worst nightmare facing Africa as they occupy the most prestigious positions from where they keep on promoting the interests of the historic oppressors of our race. Their love for the American dollar has made them unyielding to the most persuasive hardcore truths. They are contented to gather their facts from the BBC, Radio France, and the BBC. The only goal of the fifth-column life is to play the faithful chihuahua and dance to any tune dictated to them by their curators and paymasters.

Of course, I don’t support Trump. I resent his mafioso-style of narcissistic whining and bullying. His crude and boorish attempt at diplomacy is nauseating. Still, I can’t help but acknowledge that Trump is doing what people like me have spent over four decades trying to do. That is to try and tell our African people that the illusion cum delusion that the West is in Africa to pursue purely humanitarian and altruistic acts was a smokescreen. Just a few days of Capo Trump have shattered the illusions. Those who were fooled that god-fearing missionaries were promoting democracy and human rights were just that – gullible fools.

One of the greatest polemicism and anti-slavery activists, Frederick Douglass, told us: “It is not light that we need, but fire; it is not the gentle shower, but thunder. We need the storm, the whirlwind, and the earthquake.”

Perhaps Hurricane Trump is what we in Africa need to wake us up from our sleep and start to build our own African Civilizational Space without which no one will respect us.

That was the message that Marcus Garvey, the Father of Pan-Africanism, and his most famous Apostle, Kwame Nkrumah, tried to pass on to us.

Here are some of Marcus Garvey’s quotes to get us thinking: “Our success educationally, industrially, and politically is based upon the protection of a nation founded by ourselves. And the nation can be nowhere else but in Africa.”
“You cannot depend upon another race to free you; that is a basic law of human existence.”
“Without commerce and Industry, a people perish economically. The Negro is perishing because he has no economic system.”

We should not forget that Fanon Frantz warned us that no one treats his imitator like an equal.

We can’t spend our waking hours jiving and gyrating to Westernism only to complain when a White Supremacist decides to kick our silly asses!

Hurricane Trump has done more than we could ever imagine, discrediting CNN, the BBC, and the rest of the media set up to put a veneer on the West.

The only question any sane African will ask himself today is: If Trump and his people are doing this to us, why should I believe that the same people will show me the way to Alujanah?

Hopefully, we would wake up.

With Brother Obama, we were told that Uncle Sam had changed its color. The slogan then was: Welcome to Post-Racial America.

I say welcome to the real America! White Supremacist Leader Trump has removed the pretense. We must remove the blinkers from our eyes, stop listening to the stenographers at the BBC and CNN, and begin to put our brains to some use.

Rather than howl and whine, we should put pressure on our leaders in Africa to begin to do for us what leaders in China, India, Russia, Europe, Arabia, and the US are doing: using their resources to take care of their people. We should stop being apologetic in protecting our interests like other people do.

I wrote about all these in my satire, “American Dream.”

Excerpts: “… Me, Godwin, the son of Gadabo, wails, “who enslaved me?”

“No one is enslaving you but yourself. It is a great pity many Africans do not take their history seriously, and they do not allow that history to be their guide. We have always believed in the altruism of Europeans. Our minds are so polluted that HE only has to whistle, and we jump up and down like mindless dogs. You think America is doing you a big favor by throwing a lottery at you. ‘Come to our land of opportunity for all,’ they tell you, and you’ll vibrate with gratitude. Why don’t you ask yourself when America developed such a large humanitarian heart? Suppose America is dying to give equal opportunity to all. In that case, it should start by giving it to the Indians in the plantations or the Black Americans they have quarantined in their numerous ghettoes and prisons. The white man is again doing what he has been doing since the beginning of time: Emptying our lands of all resources – both human and material. In years gone by, they came with guns and slave ships and enslaved millions of our people. Now, they only have to throw a Lottery, and our best and brightest are falling over themselves to answer the master’s call. If America has such a charitable heart and is dying to help, why doesn’t it ask us to send them our illiterate folks so that they can help train them? No, all they asked were Africans with some education and some skills. Our professional class has emptied itself into Euro-America. Most of them are cleaning toilets and flipping hamburgers. Those are the crops with which modern societies are built. This is our greatest tragedy in Africa! We trained our youths at great cost, and when the time comes for them to help in developing our society, Euro-American bribe-masters come calling. After enticing away those of our people who could help us, they send us their expensive ‘development specialists.’

Development experts who are incapable of developing anything except their bank accounts. I should add that they keep us, with our connivance, in perpetual tutelage and laugh at our historical stupidity.

“Don’t you think they are helping by taking those who cannot find jobs? Look at how much our ‘burgers’ are sending home. Don’t you see the amount they bring on when they come on holiday? Don’t you see how many cars they are sending home?” Godwin argues.

I countered him with great emotions, “Some of our burgers are among our greatest tragedies! If they tell you the true story of Euro-America, I’m sure you’ll not be caught celebrating for going there. I see how brainwashed some of our burgers have become in perpetuating the myth of a paradisaical Euro-America…”

You can read it in full here: https://femiakogun.substack.com/p/american-dream?r=3wwyw

©️ Fẹ̀mi Akọ̀mọ̀‌làfẹ̀(Farmer, Writer, Published Author, Essayist, Polemicist, Satirist, and Social Commentator.)

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