My people prompted me to resign as VC –  Adamawa Dep Gov-elect

Adamawa dep gov-elect


The Deputy Governor-elect of Adamawa State, Prof Kaletapwa Farauta, has disclosed that the people of her community prompted her to resign as the Vice Chancellor of Adamawa State University to become the running mate to the incumbent Governor, Ahmadu Fintiri.

She disclosed this on Monday night in an interview on Channels Television’s ‘Politics Today’, adding that Fintiri also influenced her decision to resign.

Farauta said, “Life is about taking risks and whatever you do in life amounts to taking risks. I knew that when I left the classroom and university environment to take up being the running mate of a sitting governor, it was either I win or I lose.


“The community prompted me, my people prompted me and of course my boss did.

“I believe that God orders people’s destinies and whatever comes your way is a risk and whatever you take up to do in life, as long as you believe in God, and believe in yourself, God will sort it out with you,” she said.

She, however, called on all parties and residents of the state to come together for the growth of the state

“We might have hurt each other in the process of politicking. Now, that is over, we should put it behind us as brothers and sisters, mend our fences because the things that unite us are more than the things that divide us.

“If we focus on things that unite us as Adamawa citizens and Nigerians, we will build a better Adamawa State for ourselves and our children yet unborn.”

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