Marital Peace (I) — Our Security, Our Peace by Prof. O. E Bassey

Ephesians 5:33 -” However, let each one of you love his wife as himself, and let the wife see that she respects her husband.”   With this alone, coming deliberately from couples, marital peace is secured. A man that loves his wife will seek her best interest at all times and a woman that respects her husband would never compromise his best interests. When you have an atmosphere such as this — where two partners are on the lookout for each other’s best and ready to put in the work to ensure that they both enjoy the highest quality of life together — peace becomes a mainstay.”
Every year, just as there are bound to be so many celebrations and events, marriage of new couples always makes its way into the highlights. Notably, we find a cascade of knots being tied at the tail end of the year as prevalent during this time, and rightfully so, insofar the two individuals involved consent to their lifetime union.
“Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh (Genesis 2:24). Marriage was  deliberate institution created and endorsed by God as He said “It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him.” (Genesis 2:18). The institution is meant to bring a lifetime of companionship to both the man and the woman as they look out for each other in the otherwise daunting journey of life. The union is expected to be that of bliss for the coming together of a couple is an expression of God’s favour and an insignia of his goodness: “He who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favor from the Lord.” Proverbs 18:22. But oftentimes, we find this not being the case of so many marriages as struggles to find peace are more predominant than the ease of joy that should ideally characterize such union. Why is this often the case? Why do couples find it challenging to enjoy sustained period of peace that influences their longevity and delight in the union? And as they say, a troubled home will always birth a troubled individual. That is, on a personal note, once you have a home where chaos is supreme, it undercuts your productivity on a personal level — not to mention when there are kids who are vulnerable to pick up anti-peace behaviours from watching how their parents struggle to live in peace.
This makes the subject of marital peace an important one to be addressed to ensure that individuals in the society have a home full of peace to be able to give peace to those they interact with in the broader spectrum of the society, thereby contributing to a safer and more united society.
Love from the man, respect from the woman
Ephesians 5:33 – However, let each one of you love his wife as himself, and let the wife see that she respects her husband.
With this alone, coming deliberately from couples, marital peace is secured. A man that loves his wife will seek her best interest at all times and a woman that respects her husband would never compromise his best interests. When you have an atmosphere such as this — where two partners are on the lookout for each other’s best and ready to put in the work to ensure that they both enjoy the highest quality of life together — peace becomes a mainstay.
You only find chaos and crisis in an environment where love and respects for one another does not exist. It takes love to respect, it takes respect to love. Both work hand-in-hand, and to enjoy marital peace, none is inferior.
A lot of marriages have hit the rocks today because one partner decides to be crooky and secretive to the point of destroying their marriage. When you vow to spend the rest of your life with someone in marriage, transparency and honesty are two qualities you must not neglect to avoid compromising on trust. Truth breeds trust. Without trust, there can be no relationship, let alone a lifetime and an important one such as marriage. This is why it is relevant that you are white as snow and open as a book to your partner in order to build and sustain an atmosphere of trust that rains down peace.
John 8:32 “If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”
Truth is the only bridge to freedom, and in freedom is peace.
Galatians 5:13: Galatians 5:13 For you were called to freedom, brothers. Only do not use your freedom as an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another.
Prof. Ofonime Emmanuel Bassey is a Security, Peace and Conflict Resolution Coach with decades of experience in the practice and promotion of Law Enforcement, Peace and Security through the Nigeria Police and the United Nations.
He is an advocate of Peace Leadership and Child Protection.
He has served and interacted at the top level management of the Nigeria Police as well as internationally as a United Nation’s Monitor/Mentor in Kosovo, Europe.
A professor of Peace Advocacy and Conflict Resolution, Dr. O.E Bassey is a certified United Nation’s Trainer, and currently the Director of ICOF Institute of Leadership, Peace and Conflict Resolution in Africa.
With his marks well-established in Peace Leadership both in Nigeria and Africa. Currently, he is the President, NISSI Safety Management Institute: An Institute of Peace Leadership.
Presently, he is spearheading a campaign tagged “The Next Peace Leaders”, a campaign that is billed to run from 2022-2023 with a target of training 37,000 young peace leaders.
For peace and security tips, consultations and trainings, reach him via:
Facebook: Dr. O.E Bassey
LinkedIn: Dr. O.E Bassey
Twitter: Dr. O.E Bassey
WhatsApp: +2347065828892

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