How police rescued Plateau Perm Sec from kidnappers 

Nigeria Police Force

The Plateau State Police Command on Monday made some disclosures on how it carried out a rescue operation of the state Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Works, Alexander Plangnan, who was kidnapped by gunmen on New Year’s Day.

According to the Police Command in a statement issued on Monday by its spokesman, DSP Alfred Alabo, the Permanent Secretary was driving home in his official Hilux vehicle on Sunday morning when four gunmen abducted him at the gate of his residence located at the State Low-cost community, Jos South Local Government Area of the state

The statement said, “Immediately the report was received, the scene of the ugly incident was visited by the DPO Rantya, SP Ayuba Iliya, and team, and investigation was intensified.

“Through the combined efforts of Rantya, Jengre Police Divisions and the Anti-Kidnapping unit, the victim was rescued and his vehicle was recovered at Mistali village of Bassa LGA same day at about 11:40pm while the kidnappers fled.


“However, one Jerry Moret who was knocked down by the hijacked Hilux vehicle controlled by the kidnappers during the process, has been taken to the hospital for medical attention. Meanwhile, efforts are on to trail and apprehend the fleeing suspects.”

The statement added, “The the Commissioner of Police CP Bartholomew Onyeka uses this opportunity to call on all well-meaning residents to always avail the police and other relevant security agencies with timely and useful information to nip crimes and criminalities in the bud and improve security in the state.

“He further urges Plateau residents to see security as everybody’s business and show commitment towards assisting the police to wrestle crime in the state, adding that they could do so by saying something when they see something.

“The CP also uses this medium to remind the good people of the state that the Command is poised to ensuring that they continue to enjoy the peace and tranquility they deserve.

“The police boss wishes all peace loving people of the state a happy and fruitful New Year.”

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