Why American Secret Service and the CIA Should Protect Trump and Harris By Wumi Akintide


The American Secret Service and the CIA like the Israeli MOSSAD have their job cut out for them in protecting Trump and Kamala Harris.

This article is all about why the American Secret Service and Law Enforcement must redouble their efforts and not repeat the very apparent mistakes they have made in the first attempted assassination of Donald Trump.

Since there have now been two attempted assassinations on Donald Trump alone, the Secret Service guiding the two leaders and their running mates must be prepared for another attempt to create a balance in the mindset or the psyche of those planning such nefarious and dangerous attempts in this election year.

They must never allow the person they are protecting to do what they like or to suggest or dictate the protocols their security details must follow in protecting them.

That Donald Trump had the time to be asking for his shoes and throwing up his fist in the air in celebration of his lucky escape on the first attempt and to show his bravery was clearly an unforgivable breach of security protocol that should never have been allowed but they did allow it for Donald Trump, sad to say.


Mr. Trump or shall I say the whole country was lucky there was only one shooter and not two or three who may have already infiltrated the huge political rally and who could easily have finished the job as Donald Trump had unwittingly made himself a soft target by ignorantly standing up and waiving to the crowd as a folk hero before being pushed to the car and driven off to the nearest Emergency Room for treatment.

Heads ought to roll by the failure of those Secret Service officers to follow their security protocol to the letter on that fateful day.

I recall Napoleon Bonaparte as the Grand Commander of the French Army ordering one of his Security Details to be immediately Court- martial and fired from his job for giving some preferential treatment to Napoleon himself.

The General had deliberately passed thru a gate at his Presidential Palace in Paris,

The standing order was that whoever passed thru that gate regardless of his status or name recognition must have to be checked to their pant before they are allowed in under any circumstance. It was the rule and it was not put there for fun.

The particular Security Guard had recognized Napoleon as he approached the gate.

He had thought he was being nice and deferential to the great General.

He had thought that he was doing the Generalissimo a favor by allowing him to go in without checking him to the pant as stipulated and mandated by the Military Protocol.

The Security Guard not only lost his job on the orders of General Napoleon, he was Court- martial and found guilty and made to face the firing squad for breach of protocol.

I sense some desperation in what Donald Trump has been saying, time and again, that there is going to be violence and bloodbath if, for any reason he does not win in November

He is even openly preaching and asking his supporters to conclude that the only way, he could lose, is if the election is rigged by the Party in power.

So if by any error of omission or commission he loses on November 5, he is indirectly telling his supporters what to do and they fully understand what he wants them to do and they are fully ready and prepared to carry out his biddings like they did before.

He tells his supporters that if they don’t fight like Hell, they are not going to have a country any more.

His preoccupation is a call for rebellion and anarchy by the people against their own country in a very racist tone never before witnessed in America.

If American Law Enforcement completely ignores what Mr. Trump is saying and doing long before the election, they should have themselves to blame like they did on January 6, 2021 when his Army of Insurrectionists from the Proud Boys and the Oath Keepers had marched to the Capitol to carry out his orders to take back their country by fire and by force in a Coup d’Etat that would have been treated differently in many other countries of the world where if you stage a Coup and it fails, forget it. You will never live to tell the story. It is that simple.

The convicted felon is still walking the Street today , a free man because his name is Donald Trump and because the country is America where the statement that “No man is above the Law” is only a political jargon or slogan and nothing more.

The whole world now knows thru the ruling of the US Supreme Court that Donald Trump is above the Law and that he could shoot and kill a man in broad daylight on 5th Avenue in Manhattan and simply walk away a free man and his supporters would never desert or break away from him because they have become a Cult.

I am not making up the story. I am quoting the man verbatim.

If Donald Trump were to win on November 5, he would reserve the right as President and as pronounced by the Supreme Court to assassinate his political opponents or send them to jail or deport them en mass back to where they came from because he is going to be a Dictator from Day One.

He is also going to enjoy absolute immunity for any crimes he commits as long as he does it in his capacity and authority as President of the United States.

He is going to commit those crimes in total repudiation or rejection of the American Constitution, the Supreme Law of the United States.

This explains why it would be a monumental mistake to ever re- elect Trump on November 5 under any circumstance.

That is why it is easy to predict that Donald Trump is going to lose and lose big to Kamala Harris on November 5th.

I rest my case.

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