Trump Stands Disqualified From running for President by Section 3 of the 14th American Constitution By Wumi Akintide.



No less than 3 Constitutional top notch lawyers in America have testified to that effect.

Harvard Professor Laurence Tribe leads the group followed by brilliant Conservative Judge Robert Luttig and the last and not the least is Congressman James Raskin of Maryland, another product of Harvard.

Few Conservative operatives and few concerned Democrats have all taken the case to Court in Colorado in their effort to legally remove Donald Trump’s name from the Ballot in Colorado based on their interpretation and conviction that Donald Trump stands disqualified and should be disqualified not only in Colorado but in many other states in America for failing the litmus test to ever run for President again, based on a strict and universal interpretation of that provision in the Constitution which speaks loud and clear about why it would be a violation and a desecration of the great American Constitution that has been called the 8th Wonder of the World because next to the Magna Carter in the UK, the American Constitution stands out as the best and the greatest Constitution in the World.

It is out of respect for that universal acclamation and consensus that many right thinking Americans still tolerate the Electoral College Provision in the Constitution which says that the verdict of 570 handpicked Electors in America are sacrosanct enough to be used to override the verdict of more than 137 million Americans who had voted in 2016.


Hillary Clinton had defeated Donald Trump by 3 million in an election based on one-man-one- vote but guess who got sworn in as President?

It was the crook and Mafia boss Donald Trump who gatecrashed his way to the White House in an election he clearly lost to a woman who would have become the first female President of the United States.

Hillary Clinton was robbed by Donald Trump who lost the popular vote by 3 million but surprisingly scored 306 to 232 votes in the Electoral College Abracadabra that was deliberately incorporated into the Constitution by racist Founding Fathers of America who had deliberately put that provision to ensure that power should always remain in the hands of the few well educated, privileged and dominant White Supremacists of America.

If that provision was understandable and legit in 1776 when the literacy level in America was very low, the provision has definitely outlived its usefulness 200 to 300 years later and should long have been jettisoned and expunged from the Constitution altogether because the provision made no sense right now with the literacy rate at almost 100 percent.

The same Constitution says you have got to be born in America and to have attained the age of 35 before you can be lawfully allowed to enter the race for President,

The same Constitution stipulates that if you have ever been involved in staging a Coup against the Government of the United States like Donald Trump has clearly done but woefully failed on January 6, 2021, you cannot turn around to say you want to run for the presidency of the same country.

Donald Trump has automatically disqualified himself from running. It does not even matter if he has not been legally found guilty or convicted for that crime.

The mere fact that the foot soldiers in the Proud Boys and the Oath Keepers he had recruited to carry out his orders as the hit man have all been found guilty and sent to jail.

It is a proof that the hit man himself has to take responsibility to remove his name from nomination for his breach of the Section 3 of the 14th Amendment to the Constitution. It is that simple.

If he has any sense of shame at all, he should not have entered the race to begin with, but he had done that to get a free card to escape going to jail as a former President of America because no former President out of the 46 so far elected has ever committed any serious crime that could send them to jail.

Donald Trump is the first to commit so many crimes that could end up putting him in jail in a country governed by the Rule of Law where nobody is said or known to be above the Law.

A little misdemeanor is considered serious enough to call for the resignation of a President with any sense of decency in any ideal Democracy.

Richard Nixon became the first to resign from the Presidency due to the Watergate Scandal for spying on his Democratic rivals for the Presidency.

He had tendered his resignation before he was to be charged and convicted and disgraced and removed from office.

If Donald Trump had any sense of shame, he should have voluntarily withdrawn his name from nomination.

Since he does not want to withdraw, he should be barred from ever again running for President and shoul be tried and if found guilty, he should be sent to jail.

That is what the Constitution says and there is no reason to create a waiver for Donald Trump. It is time for him to go.

If he is not held accountable now, he is going to commit worse crimes in the future and he Is going to uproot Democracy altogether and shoot for a one-man rule in America just like most unsuccessful coup plotters have always done in other countries of the World.

Lieutenant John Rawlings of Ghana was a good example. He once staged a failed Coup and was court-martial found guilty, and sent to jail but while still serving time, he planned another Coup to take over power by force.

If Donald Trump is not held accountable for the crimes he has committed, he is going to do it again.

Once upon a time in America Public Officials accused of any wrongdoing do not wait till they are charged and convicted. They resign immediately.

Not any more. Donald Trump had started the move to damn the consequence and to stay put or going for an appeal to the highest Court in the country or finding some ways to delay his trial until the case is overtaken by the Statue of Limitations.

Most public officials do not behave like Donald Trump.

America made a horrendous mistake by electing Trump in 2016 in deference to the Constitution.

He is hoping again that he can win the obnoxious Electoral College tally, one more time, even if he loses the popular vote to Joe Biden by 10 million votes or more in 2024.

Speaker Newt Gingrich had resigned from office for an offense much less egregious than the crimes Donald Trump has already committed.

Democrat Senator Al Franken had to resign due to allegations of sexual misconduct leveled against him.

Profumo a Cabinet Minister in Great Britain had to resign due to a scandal far less serious than the crimes Donald Trump has committed.

In the UK, Prime Ministers of both Parties resign their appointments and call for new elections just for losing a vote of confidence in the House of Commons but in America, Donald Trump a crook and a repeat offender who has committed myriad’s of crimes including staging a Coup,has up till now refused to resign.

He has instead thrown his hat to the Ring saying he wants to run again for President despite all of the terrible crimes he has committed during his 4 years in the White House and many more crimes he has committed after leaving the White House.

The man has been twice- impeached and 4 or 5 times criminally-indicted and now awaiting trial in State and Federal jurisdictions all over the country.

He should have resigned a long time ago as a crook and a repeat offender.

Donald Trump who had wanted Obama disqualified and removed from office because he falsely claimed that Obama was born in Kenya but smuggled by his mother to Hawaii to be registered as an American so he could run for President.

He had woefully failed on that occasion only because the Hospital in Hawaii had produced Obama’s Birth Certificate to prove him wrong.

The same Donald Trump is falsely claiming today that Section 3 of the 14th Amendment to the American Constitution does not apply to him because he considers himself to be above the Law. He cannot be the judge in his own case as he always want to do.

I end this piece like I have stated, time and again, that Donald Trump stands disqualified from ever again running for President in America in deference to the American Constitution.

Sooner or later, a Court of Law or the Appellate Court or the Supreme Court would have to hear the case and make their final ruling on whether or not Donald Trump is justified and allowed by Law to interpret the Section 3 to the 14th Amendment the way his lawyers have explained it in the Civil Suit filed against him and his Mom and Pop Business in New York he has illegally and surreptitiously turned into a World Conglomerate so he can pay less taxes on none whatsoever in New York while using the leverage and the influence of the same Company to pay chicken change in taxes to New York for several decades.

He fraudulently uses the leverage and the stature of a World Conglomerate to borrow money from International Banks and insurance Companies that could easily boost his assets and catapult his Company into a Fortune 500 Company which will boost his ego and justify his false claim to be one of the richest successful businessmen in the whole world without dropping a sweat

His entire Business was a cobweb of fraudulent claims which he had cleverly used for years to defraud and to bankrupt New Jersey State bu using his Casinos in Atlantic City including his Taj Mahal Casino.

He had been doing the same for several decades to bankrupt New York before New York State Attorney General Letitia James had decided to call his bluff and to expose him in a civil litigation to reclaim and recover all of the backlog of taxes due to New York.

I can tell you that Donald Trump is toast and his goose is cooked for sure!!

I rest my case.

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