TODAY’S TONIC; “Winners Never Quit and Quitters Never Win” By Bishop Duke Akamisoko


“Winners Never Quit and Quitters Never Win”

This well known quote by Vince Lombardi really goes to the heart of what makes the difference between those who accomplish their goals and those who do not.

However, no matter what system you choose, it all boils down to actually using the system! Research and personal experience have demonstrated the incredible.
To put it simply, when we approach life and situations with positive energy , faith and great expectations, we have more access to solutions, creativity and joy. When we feel negativity, we shut the door to those solutions and become blinded by the darkness. This makes it more difficult to accomplish our goals and overcome difficulties.

Being in a positive frame of mind is also the best way to approach goal setting and planning our future. To quote Les Brown,”Your goals are the road maps that guide you and show you what is possible for your life.”
5-step plan for accomplishing our goals are:

Have a goal.
Many people fail to take this important step so they live by default, not by design Life “happens” to them, often in less than optimal ways. Setting goals is a critical step on the path to greater success.


Have a plan.
The plans will often change, but you need to put some methods in place for getting where you want to go. Many of us have great ideas in the shower. It’s taking those ideas to implementation that separates the doers from the dreamers.

Have faith.
This is so critical. The journey is as important as the goal itself. Who you are being as you go after your goals will determine whether you travel the path with joy or with trepidation. Faith will comfort you in the middle of the night like nothing else.

Have support.
You will come across trials and tribulations. This is a given. There will also be joys and victories. Having someone there to cheer you on and cheer with you will make a significant difference in the speed and pleasure with which you move.

Be persistent.
Few goals are accomplished by giving up! The story of Three Feet from Gold featured in Napoleon Hill’s Think and Grow Rich is the most notable example of how many of us stop just short of success.

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