TODAY’S TONIC: If you Really Want to be Happy in life, Start saying no to These 8 By Duke Akamisoko


There’s a marked distinction between being nice and being a pushover.
The difference boils down to consent. Being nice is choosing to be kind, while being a pushover is when others make choices for you.
To really seize happiness in life, you need to master the art of saying no.
Here are eight things you should start declining, because let me tell you, saying no isn’t always negative. Sometimes, it’s the most positive thing you can do for yourself.
1) People pleasing
Happiness is often tied to our connections with others, but there’s a fine line between maintaining positive relationships and becoming a ‘people pleaser’.
You see, people pleasing is a common trap. It’s the compulsive need to make others happy at the cost of your own happiness. And believe me, it’s a quick road to resentment and burnout.
saying no to people pleasing is crucial for personal growth and contentment.
Consider this. When you’re constantly bending over backwards for others, you’re not only disregarding your own needs, but you’re also setting unrealistic expectations. You’re teaching people that it’s okay to overstep your boundaries.
The solution? Start saying no.

It may feel uncomfortable at first, especially if you’re used to prioritising others’ needs over your own. But remember, every no is a yes to something else—be it self-care, personal growth or simply, peace of mind.
Yes, You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.
True happiness isn’t about pleasing everyone. It’s about being true to yourself.
2) Overcommitting
Here’s a mistake many have made- overcommitting.
It’s that compulsive need to fill every minute of your day with tasks, believing that being busy equates to being successful, or even worse, being worthy. But in reality, it’s a recipe for stress, burnout, and ultimately, unhappiness.
the art of saying no extends beyond people. It’s about saying no to excess responsibilities and commitments that drain your energy and steal your peace.
Don’t get me wrong. It’s great to be productive and purposeful. But it’s equally important to rest and recharge. To take time for yourself. To just be.

3) Attachment to outcomes
We all have goals, dreams, and aspirations. And it’s natural to want them to materialize in a certain way. But when we tie our happiness to the achievement of these outcomes, we set ourselves up for disappointment.
Life, you see, is unpredictable. Despite our best efforts, things don’t always go as planned. And when we rigidly cling to specific outcomes, we invite stress and discontent into our lives.
Most times Attachment is the root of all suffering.
So what should you do? Start saying no to attachment.
Embrace the journey. Understand that success is not a straight line. Detach yourself from specific outcomes and instead, focus on your efforts. Find joy in the process, not just in the destination.
4) Neglecting mindfulness
In our fast-paced, always-on world, the practice of mindfulness often falls by the wayside. We’re constantly rushing from one task to the next, barely taking a moment to breathe, let alone be present. But this constant state of mindless hustle can wreak havoc on our happiness.

Mindfulness is the practice of being fully present and engaged in the current moment. It’s about observing without judgment, embracing the now without fretting about the past or future.
Mindfulness means being awake. It means knowing what you are doing.
Yet, we often say yes to distractions and mindless activities that keep us from truly being ‘awake’. We’re saying yes to stress, anxiety, and dissatisfaction.

Say no to mindless scrolling on social media. Say no to rushing through meals. Say no to multitasking that spreads your attention thin.
Instead, say yes to mindfulness. Say yes to being present. Say yes to truly experiencing each moment as it unfolds.
After all, life isn’t a race—it’s a journey meant to be savoured.


5) Living with a bloated ego
One of the biggest barriers to happiness is letting our ego run the show. When we’re driven by ego, we’re constantly seeking validation, comparison, and one-upmanship. It’s a never-ending race that leaves us feeling hollow and dissatisfied.
learning to tame the ego is one of the most liberating experiences. It’s like shedding a heavy weight that you didn’t even realize you were carrying.
Learn yo live authentically and ego-free.
It’s about saying no to the need for constant validation and approval. It’s about saying no to the fear of rejection or failure that often holds us back from pursuing our dreams.
Instead, it’s about saying yes to authenticity. Yes to embracing our flaws and vulnerabilities. Yes to living life on our own terms, without being swayed by societal pressures or expectations.
True happiness comes from within, not from what others think of us.

6) Chasing material possessions
In a society that constantly bombards us with messages of ‘more is better’, it’s easy to fall into the trap of equating happiness with material possessions. We chase the latest gadgets, the fanciest cars, the biggest houses, believing that these will bring us joy. But do they, really?
impermanence— is the key- that everything in life is transient and subject to change. This includes material possessions. They come and go, they age, they break. Basing our happiness on such fleeting things sets us up for a rollercoaster of emotions.

Similarly, mindfulness emphasizes the importance of being present and finding joy in the simple things in life.
Yet, we often say yes to mindless consumerism. We’re saying yes to a cycle of desire and dissatisfaction.
It’s time to start saying no.
No to the endless pursuit of material wealth. No to the belief that owning more equals being happier.
Instead, say yes to experiences. Yes to relationships. Yes to personal growth and self-discovery.
True richness isn’t about what you own—it’s about who you are as a person and how you touch the lives of others. So next time you’re tempted to buy that shiny new thing, ask yourself: do I need this or do I simply want it? Does it add value to my life or does it just feed my ego?

Because at the end of the day, happiness isn’t something you can buy—it’s something you cultivate within yourself.
7) Dwelling on past and future
Dwelling on the past or fretting about the future is a common habit that many of us fall into. We replay past mistakes over and over in our minds or worry incessantly about what lies ahead. But here’s the harsh truth—neither brings us happiness. In fact, they rob us of our joy in the present moment.

living in the present moment is key to your happiness . As The present moment is filled with joy and happiness. If you are attentive, you will see it.”
Yet, so often, we’re not attentive. We’re lost in thoughts of ‘what was’ or ‘what could be’, saying yes to stress and anxiety.
No to dwelling on past mistakes and regrets. No to worrying about future uncertainties and what-ifs.
Instead, say yes to the present moment. Yes to being fully engaged and aware of the here and now. Yes to appreciating the beauty and joy that exists in every moment.
Mindfulness isn’t just a practice—it’s a way of life. And it begins by acknowledging that the only time we truly have is now. Don’t let your happiness be held hostage by the past or future. Live in the now—it’s all there ever is.

8) Avoiding discomfort
Here’s a counterintuitive thought—saying no to discomfort can actually hinder our happiness.
In our quest for comfort and ease, we often shy away from experiences that challenge us or make us uncomfortable. We say yes to staying in our comfort zones. But is this really beneficial?
Mindfulness teaches us the value of stepping into discomfort. It’s in these uncomfortable moments that true growth happens. It’s here that we learn resilience, courage, and the ability to navigate life’s ups and downs.

Yet, we often resist discomfort. We avoid difficult conversations, challenging tasks, or new experiences out of fear or uncertainty.
Instead, say yes to growth. Yes to resilience. Yes to embracing the full spectrum of life’s experiences.
Remember, life isn’t always comfortable, and that’s okay. Yes, You can’t stop the waves, but you can learn to surf. So don’t shy away from the waves—learn to ride them. It’s in doing so that you’ll find your true strength and happiness.
Happiness isn’t about saying yes to everything—it’s about learning when to say no. Each ‘no’ is a ‘yes’ to something that truly contributes to your well-being and peace of mind.

It’s not always easy. Saying no can be uncomfortable, especially when it’s to things or habits that we’ve grown used to. But remember, growth and comfort rarely coexist.

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