TODAY’S TONIC: Have you seen? By Bishop Duke Akamisoko


Two children of the same parents exposed to the same environment and upbringing to grow up, one becomes very rich while the other becomes very poor. What do you think are the reasons?
Why should folks who graduated from the same college, attended an interview same date and got a job in the same company rise to become the CEO while the other manages to get two or three promotion before retirement.
Can you also explain why identical twins fail to have a similar financial and economic breakthrough?
What about people who went to an apprenticeship scheme the same day and were settled the same day with the same amount of money not able to attain the same economic and financial freedom after 10 years.
Let’s expand your thinking a little bit more. Even farmers with the same land, same farm inputs and money why do they not have the same harvest?
Some will explain all these similar inputs but different outputs as luck. It is a lame explanation. Are we on Earth to gamble? Some will say it is God. But have you asked also does God hate some people? Why will a Creator hate his creation? Is God partial?
This whole thing is tricky because you may not have asked these tough, questions. Even when you have asked, there is a tendency to blame everyone else except oneself. When we are involved, we blame others, the environment, the government, injustice in the system, too much or too little rain, too much or too little sun etc.
Agreed there are externalities which we cannot control. Just as you cannot control the environment or political system. No one either does.
Have you looked at other issues that are within your control?
Your Productivity is one aspect of your life that you can control. However many pay little attention to their Productivity. Time is a stock that everyone has the same quantity.-24 hours. You cannot increase it nor can you decrease it. You can spend it or invest it.

The study of Personal Productivity Development is not taught in any school. Notwithstanding that it can make a whole lot of difference between individuals. Yes, it makes a whole lot of difference between organisations too. Even nations are classified as developed, developing or underdeveloped because of their capacity to produce.
If you read to the end of this letter you will it will be an eye-opener.
The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) ratio to the national population is one of the indexes for measuring Developed or developing nations.
Surprisingly it is the aggregate of GDP (Productivity- goods and services) divided Nation’s population that determines the Standard of Living of a Nation.

It is also the high index of a standard of living that qualifies a country as a Developed Economy.
Why then is the study of how to increase personal Productivity always relegated to the background?
You can have the best tools. eg Tractors for farming. But if you don’t know how to use it. It will not make you a rich Farmer.
Similarly, many developing countries have lots of Engineers, Medical Doctors, Managers, Agricultural Scientists, Computer Scientists etc who are not optimally productive. What is wrong is that they do not know how to use the tools they have. They are taught to get a job or start a business. But know little or nothing about the relationship between their input and output.
They are taught how to get a job and keep the job. Even when the job cannot maintain their standard of living due to low Productivity. They have to keep the Job at all costs. At the cost of low wages. At the cost of underemployment. At the cost of financial and economic stagnation. At the cost of homelessness. At the cost of poor children’s education and marriage breakdown.
LOur Graduates are not taught to measure their output. talkless of measuring that of their subordinates. This means that you must ensure that you install performance measurement as part of your reward system. It ensures that people know their target. It helps to reward high performers too.
The problem with unproductivity is like someone who is sick but is not aware of the sickness. It becomes difficult to administer drugs on such one.
For instance when someone whose Productivity is low attributes his brother or Sister higher Productivity to luck. How can you help?
A situation where someone who cannot justify the use of his own 24 hours says that he does not have enough time. How can you help?
Someone who has consistently been denied promotion due to low output but turns around and attributes it to religion, tribe or politics. Accepted sentiments affect issues of promotion but a star cannot be covered for a long time. Yes, the Star is hotter than the Sun. Moreover, Productivity can be useful inside and outside our place of work. Your income can be diverse if you are a star.
Many Newways Consulting mentees apply the Productivity secrets they learn to make more 7-figure money than salary income. This means that even if your productivity is not rewarded by your employer. Your Productivity like a star can explode and give you lavish rewards outside the system.
After going through the Course “ Newways Performance Courses” You will find out why your degree can not guarantee a life of comfort. If your present business is still struggling it is not that you do not know the secrets of productivity. It is either you are not putting it to practice or you need a productivity coach to guide you.
Your Productivity is one aspect of your life that you can control by seeking a Coach if you are not getting the result you desire. You can choose to pay little attention to your Productivity and suffer for it.

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