The sure way forward for Joe Biden and the Democrats By Wumi Akintide


.……There is no cause for panic. The Polls 5 months to the Election mean nothing.

I strongly recommend to Joe Biden and any Democrat still having any doubt about his age and mental equity to please take a deep breath and watch Professor Allan Lichtman’s flawless analysis on YouTube on the subject and most especially his Plan B analogy should it ever come down to that which I doubt.

Joe Biden can learn something from the learned Professor of History on how to answer questions in a debate with a pathological liar like Trump.

The Plan A and obviously the preferred and the winning and the best option is that Joe Biden must remaintop of the ticket with Kamala Harris as his VP to the very end.

The choice is Joe Biden and nobody else on top of the ticket.


I now know that Joe Biden is being held to a higher standard than Donald Trump and rightly so because his track record and legislative achievements in 4 years compared to that of Donald Trump in particular and other Presidents before him is far more superior and intimidating to the Trump Campaign and his Maga crowd based on the threat they pose to Democracy in America and what they have announced they are going to do, if they don’t win. They plan to resort to violence and a bloodbath which nobody wants.

If any candidate should be forced to withdraw from the race, it is Donald Trump who is only 3 years younger than Joe Biden but has been twice impeached, and has been convicted on 34 felony charges and has filed for Bankruptcy 6 times and has staged a Coup in America and has refused to allow a peaceful transfer of power for the first time in the 248 years of American History from July 4th, 1776.

i repeat that If any candidate should be forced to withdraw from the race that candidate is outlaw Donald Trump who did not give one truthful answer in his 90 minutes in that debate.

All bets are off now. Joe Biden should take off the kid gloves and take on Donald Trump who is going to continue to tell lies upon lies and to use Russian Disinformation to cause more confusion and to distract us. Biden should go further than that to tell Americans why he with his name recognition all over the world, is far more experienced and far more mature and level- headed and law- abiding than Donald Trump who says he is going to be a Dictator and a King from day one.

Joe Biden/ Kamala Harris ticket remains our winning Duo in November and we are standing all the way with them to get the job done.

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