The Memory Of Humphrey Bamisebi Olumakaiye, Is Blessed ( Full Sermon By Bishop Atere




PULPIT PRAYER: Almighty father, God of spirits and all flesh, yourself unchanged and abiding; we bless your holy name for all who have completed their earthly course in your faith and fear and are now at rest. We remembered this day your servant, Most Revd. Dr. Humphrey Bamisebi Olumakaiye, rendering thanks to you for the gift of his friendship, and his life of service and devotion. As we listen to your word, come and speak. And grant that at the end of our race here on earth, we may live behind, sweet lagacies that will attract blessings. In Jesus name, we pray.

TEXT: Proverbs 7: 10
The memory of the righteous is blessed,
But the name of the wicked will rot.
Righteous men and women, as well as the wicked, will all die, because “it is appointed for man to die once” (Hebrews 9:27). However, what godly people leave behind is quite different from the legacy of the wicked. Those who honour God and live by His law according to Psalm 112:6, leave behind a memorable legacy.


When the righteous die, they are remembered with fondness, honour, and joy. Their mourners are able to take comfort and rejoice in, memories of their many virtues. And their good reputation will long outlive them.

The memory of them is sweet and precious; their name is famous and valuable, and always spoken of, with honour and commendation.
I called to memory here, the case of a woman in Acts 9:36-42, she was one of the disciples in Joppa. She was named Tabitha or Dorcas. She fell sick and died. Her body was already prepared for burial, and co-incidentally, other disciples were there waiting for PETER, At his arrival, he was led to the upper room where we have ALL THE WIDOWS and some Saints showing Peter, the Tunics and garments Dorcas bought for them in her life’s time.

There were galaxies of testimonies concerning this woman. PETER was moved, he knelt and prayed. Dorcas was handed over to the widows alive.
That singular testimony brought multitudes to the kingdom that day.

Abel is today remembered for his faith that pleased God in his daily life(A role model) Heb 11:4
I studied the legacies left for us by our Lord Jesus Christ and compared with that of Archbishop Bamisebi, I could see some similarities. In Holy life (Matt. 11:28-30), His teaching (1 Pet 1:22-30), love and compassion for all people (Luke 7:13) humility (Philp 2:5-11), selfless generosity (1John 3:16,) forgiveness (Eph. 1:7;1 John 1:9), life of Service (John 13:15-16) personal relationship with the father (John 5:17-21), obedience and dedication to God (Luke 2:52). Vision of world evangelism (Mk 1:16-17 when he started inviting his disciples), sacrifice (Heb 9:12).

I can’t forget Esther, who sacrificed her life for her people.
We all gathered here this morning to bless the memory of an icon of faith. There is no way we can forget our Archbishop and bishop. We remember him every day and bless his legacies.
*How can Motunrayo forget her Darling, from whom she found a father, a brother, a soul mate, who was her counselor, her teacher, prayer leader/partner.

My dear sister, FUNKE, How will you not continue to bless that sweet shoulder you leaned on, a man who provided a platform for you to use your God’ given talents, your first coach in public speaking, Can you ever forget your patient and listening husband, who took all decisions in your life, who hears from God before taking any family decision.
Today, the writer of the book of proverbs asked you to bless the memory of a man who pushed you beyond what you thought you could achieve in life, who share successes and failures with you. A dear husband who shares his password and pin codes. A trusted spouse who always shared his dreams, visions, and trance(including his preparation for final exit which you misinterpreted (maybe you said GOD FOBID when he tried to share the vision of Angels, who came to attend to him). Your husband lived a short life but was highly impactful. A man who hears no evil, sees no evil, and speaks no evil. He encouraged you until you became a professor. His memory is blessed today.

Let me thank you ma, for your care, your prayers, and all your efforts to see if God could still spare him for you for sometimes, but God must have His ways. You are indeed “a friend in need” To God be all glory. You have released him to his maker after he had conquered. Anytime you think of him, bless the sweet memory.

*RICHARD OLUWATODIMU, bless the memory of his father today as always. A father he testified as an embodiment of humility, generosity, and most importantly the love of God. A father to be proud of, who not only cares for you but leads you to Christ and loves you to a fault. May his memory be blessed.

*How can the bishop, clergy, and laity of the DIOCESE OF LAGOS, forget Bishop Olumakaiye’s in a hurry? You can see the evidence outside. (I learnt, all the churches in the diocese had the pictures of Bishop Olumakaiye displayed to celebrate him)
Upon his arrival to the diocese, he hit the ground running with a fivefold ministry, to guide his vision and dreams for the diocese. The priestly, pastoral, prophetic, prayer, and praise ministries. A church planter, who planted 13 churches within 4 years in Lagos for that matter.

Divine Mandate voices, Divine Mandate partner, will forever bless Humphrey Bamisebi’s name. The pre-synod Nehemiah summit, where current issues around the nation are discussed, remained indelible in our hearts.

When l learnt that our brother started Healing and charismatic service in Christ Church Cathedral, Marina, I couldn’t trust my sense of hearing(it was unbelievable), all those who have met Christ and received their healing in the monthly program, will bless the initiator forever.

Today, we celebrate the memory of prophet Bamisebi who declared the first 3 days of the month for fasting and prayers. The graduates and students of The Lagos Anglican Diocese of Music Academy, remember the founder. Those who listened and studied during his 40 days of in-depth Bible study christened LENTEN DIET, EMMAUS EXPERIENCE, thank God for the life of Bishop Olumakaiye.

A church leader who conceived a project like the century city of 1,500 plots of land at Ibeju-Lekki, of which the first phase was commissioned before his exit. Humphrey could be said to be an idol, for it can only be someone like Bishop Bamisebi Olumakaiye that can do this(every time there is a program in that city or when people start using the facilities, Olumakaiye name will be immortalized). A 3-star 38-room modern accommodation named FAITH LODGE was built within 18 months and dedicated. (How can we forget such a man in the next 40years)

All those young people who excelled in their academics and were rewarded with substantial cash, and those who cried to Bishop Olumakaiye for the fund to start up their businesses will forever bless the memory of their benefactor.

Everyone who listens to Lagoon Radio, Lagoon News, and those who watch Lagoon TV, will bless the contribution of Bishop Bamisebi to the Directorate of Media which houses all the above mentioned, which has created jobs for many.

His love for education led him to acquire DELIGHT INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL, APAPA with over 700 students. His concern for the elderly also led him to take possession of THE ROCK APARTMENT at Ikorodu, donated by Cathedral Circle, to cater for the vulnerable senior citizens. The souls of these ones will continue to bless Bishop Olumakaiye in his grave.

The CON Standing Committee hosted by Lagos diocese under his leadership is yet to be beaten. CON can’t forget Archbishop Olumakaiye in a hurry. He was in charge of women of CON in his lifetime (his memory remains evergreen in their hearts).
Today, we gathered to remember the first Nigerian priest to preach at St. Mary’s Church, Melbourne, London. A Guest lecturer at St. Luke Central, Birmingham, for 4 years. A public writer, a pragmatic evangelist, a dynamic leader, spirit-filled bishop/Archbishop, and a prayer warrior (foundly saying ALADURA LO MAA DAA FUN), He could pray and fast for days even when the body is weak. A born-again child of God, a pacesetter, a gold-getter who could turn trash into treasure, a world-class preacher, and a man with a large heart, who stand for justice and truth.

Very courageous with a God-guided opinionated personality, an embodiment of love that brought joy beyond measure to everyone who came across him. No doubt, the leadership of Bishop Olumakaiye has been a blessing to the diocese of Lagos.

*The Most Revd Henry Ndukuba(The Archbishop, Metropolitan, and Primate of All Nigeria and Mama Nigeria, Angela) and the entire house of Bishop, remembered today and always, one of our trusted and most supportive Archbishop and bishop, he was the CON women chaplain in his lifetime, a first-class counselor, full of wisdom. All the dioceses, bishops, priests, and churches, Humphrey assisted, those he paid or assisted in paying their hospital bills will continue to bless his sweet memory.

*How can Baba Ademowo and Mama Oluranti forget, their trusted and caring son? A worthy, indefatigable, and Quintessential successor. Let me quote Papa’s testimony of Humphrey “In just 3 years, our trail of achievements in nearly 2 decades of episcopacy; leaving several giant footprints in the sand of time, his (Bishop Olumakaiye)’s achievements and absolute commitment of the Lord’s work unconditionally, encouraged us to donate our personal building complex at Lekki phase 2 to the Diocese as an eternal donation. What a trial blazer! Definitely, full of monumental achievements” Papa Ademowo remembers Bamisebi Olumakaiye for his deep spirituality, firebrand sermons and messages, prophetic prayers, Biblical Orthodoxy, and emphatic kindness with superhuman relation, a prolific innovator.
*The entire family of Late Ven. Theophilus Akinbobola and Mrs Abigail Iyabo Olumakaiye. Will always bless the memory of The pillar of Olumakaiye’s family, the pride of Anglican in Idanre, and The benefactor to many needy people both at Idanre and Ogori(his mother’s home town). The whole of Idanre’s sons and daughters will always celebrate the memory of their illustrious son, who projected the family and the city of Idanre on the world map and eternalized it. Idanre and Ondo state will remember and bless that Thursday 8th, December 2022 when the city of Idanre was engulfed with a mamould crowd, not even the president of a nation can command such a crowd. ( That day remained blessed)for ever.
*Nigeria, as a nation will remember, one of the fearless preachers and prophet, who devoted quality time of his ministry to pray, exhort, correct, and rebuke, when occasion demands, especially in his annual bishop’s charge.
*His Excellency, Governor Babajide Olusola Sanwolu, his wife, and the government of Lagos state, will never forget a sincere friend of the governor whose counsels and prayers contributed to the successes and giant strides the state had made. We here again, publicly salute our dearest governor and thank him for the support he gave to Bishop Humphrey Olumakaiye, his contribution towards his funeral rites and the outstanding sorcour for the family he left behind. Only God can pay you back adequately. You will surely finish well.
*Osun North East Diocese will forever celebrate its pioneer bishop and the unqualifiable impact he recorded in the diocese. Those who continue to patronize The prayer Mountain he built at Otan Ayegbaju and have their prayers answered, will be eternally grateful to Bishop OLUMAKAIYE. No wonder, a whole quarter at Otan Ayegbaju was named, OLUMAKAIYE CITY by the Oba of the town. The Urtral modern BISHOP’S court, the schools, many churches planted are all blessing the memory of Humphrey.

9*The families of Ken and Helen Orji, Prof Dapo and Barr Mrs Harriet(your aunty) Asaju, Femi Herbert, Oladapo and Bukola Akinwumi, Gbolabo Oso and so many families and friends celebrate the memory of Bamisebi(their beloved one).
*The Board of Governors, Immanuel College of Theology Ibadan. is grateful for the legacy of transformation you brought to the college and the good plan you had and never wait to execute.
*Pension and Gratuity Board of supra west, you chaired for sometimes will ever be grateful.
*Lagos Ecclesiastical Provincial Council, continue to bless the little period you spent to lead us(it was a memorable time)
*The governing council of Ajayi Crowther University, will ever cherish your contributions at meetings and how you assisted them in finding solutions to some knotty issues.
*The Archbishop Abiodun Adetiloye Foundation, remembers you today for your frankness and wisdom.

You can see the number of bishops and priests, dignitaries in this service to play the video of the life scenes of a charismatic, true, loyal, faithful, selfless, passionate, kind, generous with a heart of gold, humble, honest, honorable, humourous, very polite, courteous, a prayer warrior, fearless preacher of the gospel, proactive, pragmatic, rugged evangelist, church planter, dynamic missioner, innovative, workaholic, thorough, impeccable, neat with high standard, A Nehemiah with an incredibly gifted hand, a visionary leader per excellence, full of faith and courage, a bishop with a difference, a man of integrity. My very good friend, I will continue to bless him,even in the grave.
No matter how you hated Humphrey Olumakaiye, by the time you meet with him, through his speech, attitude, and pleasantness, you will force yourself to love him.
We are all here this morning to bless the memories of a warrior for God and His church. We bless those sweet smiles, those catchy Slogan, OGBON LO GBA, NO CONTROVERSY, YOU HAVE ESCAPED, ALADURA LO MA DAA FUN.

Let me CONGRATULATE Professor Mrs. Motunrayo Funke Olumakaiye. In your tribute documented in THE SOARING EAGLE PERCHES, You testified of a man of God you trusted and respected, who said to you during the demise of your husband, CONGRATULATION, YOUR HUSBAND MADE IT.
What then, do you want? This is enough message of consolation. Continue to bless and celebrate the sweet memory of that confession in the death of your husband.
If anyone is here without Christ, you don’t have life yet, today is another golden opportunity. Tomorrow may be late, time wait for no man. He is the way, the truth, and the life. In Him, we move, live, and have our being. When you live and die in Him, you will live for ever and the memory of your death will remain blessed.

I CONGRATULATE also the bishop and his wife, the clergy and laity of the diocese of Lagos, because the mantle of Elijah has only fallen into the hands of Elisha.

Bishop Ifedola Senesu Okupevi is not a novice, we were together at Badagry, while I was in Ikoga, he was at Igborosun, in 1989,he is a Lagocian and has been in the system for many years, a priest of God per Excellency, he has worked with Bishop Olumakaiye, therefore, neither is the shoe oversized nor undersized, it’s a perfect size. you are not imported, you are in-to-in. Lagos Diocese!, nothing is lost! It’s a case of 6 and half a dozen. But the joy is, the ministry of Elisha was longer than that of Elijah, he also recorded more achievements because he had double anointing (2nd Kgs 2:9).
Thank God for the good foundation Papa Ademowo inherited and laid for Olumokaye to build on. It’s now your turn brother IFE
You have started well. With God on your side, the Lagos diocese will continue to excel. (I listenened carefully when you share your goals, visions, and dreams for the diocese at the last synod),cheering plan, I must say. I pray they will all be achievable with ease.
My dear brother, as Elisha, you are to clean the water of Jerico as recorded in 2kgs 2:19-22. There may be some bad water and barren ground among the clergy or laity, be like Ellisha who called for salt. Thank God you are also a man of prayer, that is where you will draw your salt to sweeten any bad water because there is bound to be. God will always grant you divine wisdom.
In 2Kgs 4:1-4 Elisha increased the supply of oil to a widow that saved her children from being sold into slavery. (we are in a country where parents are already selling their children for peanuts(you have a responsibility to this set of people in the diocese). Like your predecessor, you also have a large heart, kindly demonstrate this. Don’t forget, that Lagos is the source and origin of all dioceses. (remember, I told you the concern of some people when they asked if you will be generous like Ademowo and Olumakaiye)
Elisha recovered the lost axe head, to a man who borrowed it and saved him from embarrassment in 6v1-7 (all the lives of people who formed the diocese of Lagos are borrowed, we often lose it through carelessness or disobedience) many of them will cry to you when they loose the head of their axes, kindly listen and do your best. Many other works of Elisha should form your focus.
There people of God, how will people celebrate you when you die? Will your memory be blessed or cursed? Let all our various leaders know that, the end will come one day and the judgment thereafter. Many of those who ruled us in this country, some of them are still alive but we no longer remember them because they made no positive impact. Some have died and we are cursing them in their grave. Many Nigerians wake up these days to curse everyone who put us in this mess. (Not Tinubu yet, we are still watching)
The Bible says in the second part of our text that” But the name of the wicked will rot” proverbs 7:10b. Anything rotten no longer has value. Yoruba will say to the wicked at death “Akuku tun ku e, atorun dorun e”
But to the saints, like Bishop Olumakaiye, John declared, And I heard a voice from Heaven saying, Write this: Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on.”
– Revelation 14:13
Let us rejoice in the promise of God through Jeremiah 31:13
“Then the virgin will rejoice in the dance,
And the young men and the old, together,
For I will turn their mourning into joy
And will comfort them and give them joy for their sorrow.
For his anger is but for a moment, and his favor is for a lifetime. Weeping may tarry for the night, but joy comes with the morning. May we all receive joy.
I join Baba Ademowo to sing from Iwe Orin Yoruba no 524
Stanzas 4 & 6
4.Lori Iboji won lawa nsokun loni
Won jenire fun wa, takiyo gbagbe lae.

6. Eyin oninure, efiwa sile lo
Ao sokun yin titi, Jesu pa sokun rii
Let us pray

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