The Logic of Trumpism Putin says Nyet By Femi AKomolafe


“The white man killed my father

Because my father was proud

The white man raped my mother

Because my mother was beautiful

The white man wore out my brother in the hot sun of the roads


Because my brother was strong

Then the white man came to me

His hands red with blood

Spat his contempt into my black face

Out of his tyrant’s voice:

Hey boy, a basin, a towel, water.” – David Diop, “Le temps du martyre,” quoted in Frantz Fanon’s Black Skin, White Mask, Grove Press, New York, 1967. p.136.


I started editing this piece before the news came that Mr Trump, who came to office pretending to be the Apostle of Global Peace, has decided to do what almost every American president in modern history has done – find excuses to bomb another country.


Of course, Bullies never pick a fight with someone their size; Poor and Hapless Yemen is the chosen target. Trump ordered his troops to “bomb the hell out of the Houthis.”


Let’s go back to my article.


So, we have the situation where Emperor Trump convened a meeting of his top team and those of the neo-Nazi, Bander-worshipping vassalage the CIA created in Ukraine to fight the century-old desire of the Anglo-Saxons to subjugate Russia and collar its riches. The Western Imperialists even have a term for it: Strategic Defeat. All that Trump and his Team could come up with was to give what amounted to an ultimatum to the Russians to accept a ceasefire. The ultimatum was accompanied by the threat of further punishment, with Trump boasting of having the financial tools to cripple Russia.


How daft could one possibly be in issuing this imbecilic threat?


We all know that the West is unbelievably arrogant and self-reverential. Still, we need to ask what type of brains Trump possesses to make him even think that the Russians, who have proved to be the world’s only true autarkic state and are winning on the battlefield, will kowtow to his stupid diktat.


The failures of both Napoleon and Hitler did not daunt the ambitions of the bright geopolitical thinkers of the West to keep on salivating over Russia’s huge riches. With few resources and having tasted colonialism’s goodies, Europe became insatiably greedy and continued to lust for foreign resources.


Just think about this: How could people with no natural resources build their industrial wealth on other people’s resources but are unwilling to pay fair prices for them? What gave people of the European Stock the right to dictate the prices for other people’s resources, something they would never accept?


These are the central questions that all Western humanities scholarship tried to obscure with big jargon designed solely to obfuscate. Stripped of their fanciful and well-constructed philosophical choice words, they all come down to simple economics – how can the West continue to exploit the world at will?


The unwillingness to engage in fair and honorable commercial intercourse with non-Europeans led Europeans to develop the mentality of “Why Pay For It When We Can Kill For It?”


That explains why they go around the world to kill human beings on an Industrial scale and mask their violence and unbridled greediness in a humanitarian halo.


That explains why Europe and the rest of the Western world need sponsors and finance endless wars all over the world. And it explains why their mouthpieces like CNN, BBC, al-Jazeera, VOA, etc, would like us to suspend our senses and believe their crappy bs.


No, we are not Putin bots or whatever they choose to call those of us who call out their nefarious schemes of subjugation and oppression. We root for V Putin as we would for anyone who attempt to rid the world of the West’s imposed perpetual wars where the lives of human beings count for nothing in the pursuit of unbridled greed.


The lack of self-awareness and the inability to think beyond self, listen to others, and appreciate that other people have concerns that need to be addressed are why the West got it so spectacularly wrong and why the 500+ years of its hegemonic rule are unraveling in real-time.


We can excuse our ancestors for their lack of knowledge and access to information about Europeans and their shenanigans; we have no such excuse. That is why we find it so lamentable that many of us continue to cheerfully play the compliant role of Uncle Toms and House Niggers.


Not even his most ardent supporters would call Mr Trump brilliant. Going by the crass manners with which he throws his weight around, he is certainly not a genius in the brain department.


But even that, one must be supremely daft or naive to expect the Russian leader to treat Trump’s ceasefire agreement with Ukraine with anything but the contempt that it deserves.


Putin did not disappoint. For maximum effect, the Russian president donned tactical military garb and gave his generals instructions to keep marching and to treat those who invaded his country’s Kurks region as terrorists. No Geneva Convention, thank you.


Remember that VVP famously said: “To forgive the terrorists is up to God, but to send them to Him is up to me.”


But being the gentleman that he is, Putin paid some attention to Trump’s plea to spare the trapped Ukranians by giving them a two-day ultimatum to “surrender or die.”


A few hours after visiting his troops, Putin diplomatically rejected Trump’s Ceasefire entreaties. With his brilliant lawyer’s mind, he did not outrightly reject the silly proposition by the Americans and their delusional, egotistical leader; instead, he tossed them some pointed questions that should send them back to the drawing board from where they concocted their silly-assed ceasefire idea.


If one were even to be charitable and think that Mr Trump meant well, the question should be asked: Which Military Academy teaches that a losing side can dictate terms?


Trump’s Secretary of State Rubio admitted recently that the war in Ukraine is a proxy war, something that should be clear to any thinking person. But, somehow, the Americans would want us to believe that their country, which sponsored the war by providing the Ukrainians with every conceivable means to fight and weaken Russia, is not a co-belligerent as defined by International Law. But we should regard it as a neutral party seeking peace. Somehow, the Russians are being asked to forget all their sufferings and their sacrifices at the hands of NATO-sponsored war, the hundreds of Russian soldiers killed, and the deprivations suffered by the illegal sanctions that the West imposed on their country, the confiscation of their foreign reserves.


Trump is asking the Russians to forget all these and play nice-nice because one smiling American president has replaced an old, angry, snarling, senile one.


I do not speak for Russia, but from what I see, Russian officials do not appear to me like stupid imbeciles who will forget the blood their soldiers have shed to protect their people from NATO provocations, overlook the betrayals of Minsk I and II, and turn the other cheek and forgive the West all their transgressions.


The antics of Trump and the Collective West remind me of the battle I fought with some Afrikaners on in the 1990s.


The unrepentant racial supremacists who reside in South Africa decided to throw their weight around on a forum where Africans meet and, for convenience’s sake, use the English language. They began to post in their Afrikaans (a bastardized Dutch of which John Green said: “Dutch is not so much a language as an ailment of the throat.”) language.


They resorted to insults and whatnot when I asked why they chose to be rude – it is considered rude in many cultures when someone imposes his language on a group. They claimed that Afrikaans was an African language and wondered why I spoke of the atrocities of apartheid when their man, Saint Mandela, had forgiven them all their sinful sins and transgressions.


Provoked, I let them have it. No language is more African than my Yoruba language, which I love dearly, but as my elders cautioned me: Bi a se nse nibi, ewo ibo miran ni / How we do here, is a taboo elsewhere.


Afrikaans is not an African language unless one argues with demented logic that Dutch is an African language. I told the idiots what Malcolm X said about Chicken hatched in the oven not being biscuit. I concluded by saying that only people of the European Stock gave themselves the right to forgive their criminal transgressions.


In other cultures, offenders and criminals must show contrite and are sometimes made to pay penance before they are pardoned. Europeans declare themselves free of their crimes and expect the victims to vibrate with gratitude.


Also, every society has ways of welcoming new members; it is only Europeans who do not abide by this when they go to foreign lands, even though they are the most passionate about protecting themselves against unwanted immigrants. Unless someone can show evidence of indigenous Africans welcoming and initiating the European pirates into wherever they settled down in Africa, I shall continue to consider them as invaders.


While we Africans are champions when it comes to forgiving our enemies, we do not like it when those who ask for forgiveness behave like they have learned no lesson to show remorse.


Of course, my intervention stopped the arrogant imposition of the uncultured Afrikaans. They didn’t come back.



Fẹ̀mi Akọ̀mọ̀‌làfẹ̀

(Farmer, Writer, Published Author, Essayist, Polemicist, Satirist, and Social Commentator.)


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