The Future Of Work By Abdulwarees Solanke


By Abdulwarees Solanke
Voice of Nigeria

Nabeel Tirmazi, a Programme Manager with Kuala Lumpur Malaysia headquartered Asia Pacigic Institute For Broadcasting Developmenr is a Pakistani friend I cultivated over seven years ago.

Our paths crossed virtually and through correspondences in the course of my engagements with AIBD, an organization I have been involved with since 2005 when I was Special Assistant to a former Dirctor General of Voice of Nigeria. AIBD has bren responsible for most of my broadcast management specialist trainings in Malaysia, Indonedia, Nigrtia and virtually by Zoom.

Nabeel Tirmazi

Nabeel Tirmazi has diverse experience in the field of TV production since 2002 he has been actively producing programs on behavioural sciences, mysticism, sport-related and dramas.

Apart from being a producer, he has worked in the capacity of actor, anchor and did a five-year long program as a graphologist. Before joining AIBD he was linked with Pakistan Television Corporation as a producer in International Relations Division.


Numerous of his projects were screened internationally on different platforms and got nominations. Nabeel Tirmazi has also been giving lectures on various broadcasting subjects including transmedia, storytelling, narrative techniques, social media marketing, online reputation management and personal branding etc.

He has also co-authored a book on ‘post-production’ for UNIDO Pakistan.
Recently, I got chatting with Nabeel. a programme manager with the Asia Pacific Institute for Broadcasting Development,

In the heat of the Covid 19 pandemic four years ago, I got chatting with Nabeel.
and told him of my fascination with Asia and that it combines the realities of African development and opportunities of Western advancement.”
“That makes Asia a bridge between the West and rest of us in Africa”, I added. .

Nabeel agreed with me as he chipped in that “for me, the fascination lies in African culture, which is still unexplored by Asians”.adding, “ So definitely, it’s need of the time”.

Our conversation was around half past six in the morning here in Nigeria, because Malaysia is plus eight hours GMT. I told him, “It must be past Zuhur there now and it’s just less than an hour ago I observed Subuh here”. He complimented with a ‘yes’ and this opened an opportunity dimension to our conversation.
“That makes it easy for me to be cross continental”, I said, thinking aloud.

“Can you imagine working distantly for an Asian media from Nigeria? This is the opportunity of communication. What this suggests is I can earn three incomes”, as I observed that in US or Canada, they were still early in bed at that time.

Nabeel wanted more explanation on my thesis as he asked, “earning how come?” I explained, “just thinking of possibilities of communication technologies. Empowering!

Let’s assume this interaction is with an Asian editor who is producing his publication right now, and I’m just rising in Nigeria preparing for my normal or official engagement. Later in the day, just as I’m winding up work here in Nigeria I’m engaging with a Canadian or American media.

“Allah is indeed great. He opens the doors of his mercies to all who are willing to seek Him. “It’s really amazing to me. Now, look at the time difference between Asia and the Americas. This gives opportunities for every mankind to benefit from each second that ticks in time.

It’s better appreciated if an unemployed or retired Nigerian at home gets a distance engagement in the Far East or West. Without leaving the soil or shores of his land.” In concurrence, an enthused Nabeel remarked, “that is the future” to which I replied, “Interestingly that future is now for someone like me who has tasted a bit of Asia with graduate study in Brunei and occasional visits to Malaysia, Indonesia and India during which trips, I passed through Ethiopia, Qatar, UAE and Singapore, even if not beyond the airport vicinity”.

We ended our conversation on a fulfilling note as I dressed up for my morning trek that had become my daily routine under the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown in Lagos. Then it was two o’clock in the afternoon in Kuala Lumpur whereas it was 7.00 am in Nigeria.

Amazing world of opportunities.

Abdulwarees, Deputy Director/Head, Strategic Planning & Corporate Development Department, Voice of Nigeria

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