The Fraud that enables and empowers Donald Trump to want to run for President. By Wumi Akintide


“Who are these faceless 570 electors and what is so special about them that the verdict of 200 million Americans who go out to vote for President would be jettisoned only to be replaced by the verdict of 570 Electors.”

The name of the Big Fraud is the outdated and anti- democratic absurdity called the Electoral College.

I often wonder why American pollsters are more obsessed on doing their pollings on registered voters in America and not on the 570 handpicked electors of the Electoral College?

If 200 million come out to vote for President in 2024, it is the verdict or the vote of the 570 amorphous electors that ultimately counts.

So why for God’s sake are those pollsters wasting our time by mainly conducting their polls on registered voters whose verdict is often thrown to the garbage Hip of History?

Who are these faceless 570 electors and what is so special about them that the verdict of 200 million Americans who go out to vote for President would be jettisoned only to be replaced by the verdict of 570 Electors.


I need someone reading this piece on the Facebook or in the Social Media to please shed some light on the absurdity.

If the Electoral College Garbage made some sense more than 200 years ago when the literacy rate in America was so low.

It made little sense today when the literacy rate in America has risen to 100 percent or close to that.

Most American voters now instinctively understand the role of the President and why they must not elect an outlaw and a narcissist like Donald Trump to the highest seat of Power in the World because they all understand his Leopard is never going to change his color.

The guy knows no other way to do business than to cheat and to manipulate the people by lying every step of the way and even by lying under oath and by undermining the Constitution and by sponsoring a Coup to overthrow Democracy and to replace it with Dictatorship.

The guy knows he could never win a popular vote in America no matter how much he tries.

His ultimate goal is to concentrate on winning a simple majority of the vote of 570 Electors which is far much easier to achieve than his hoping to win the popular vote which is a Herculean task

I rest my case

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