Soludo commended over pace of development in Awka


Anambra State governor, Prof. Chukwuma Soludo, has been commended for the pace of development going on in Awka Capital City.

The managing director of Think Home Developers and Realtors Limited, Machiavelli Chidi Okafor, and other real estate developers gave their testimony during the groundbreaking ceremony of Oakville Millennium City Estate, Awka.

Okafor said: “Mr Governor, your government is the only government that has picked a keen interest in giving Awka a befitting state capital, which we will be proud of.

“The new Government House, the Solution Fun City 2.0, and numerous other projects—your road infrastructure that traverses the length and breadth of the state—are a testament to your vision for Anambra State.”

Okafor said the capacity that the governor has demonstrated is the reason he decided to heed the think-home call of the governor for indigenes to invest at home.


“Anambra people are contributing 30 per cent of housing development in the entire Nigeria, and because of the governor’s call, I have come home to provide the solution I have provided in Lagos and Abuja, down here.

He added that: “Today’s event is a response to that call for Anambra people to invest at home, and I know that our people abroad are also putting resources together to invest at home.

“By the time you are done with your eight-year tenure, Anambra will have become the state we all dreamed of. This estate, Oakville, is in line with your vision to create a smart city where our people will love and desire to stay.”

Governor Soludo, who was represented by his Chief of Staff, Mr Ernest Ezeajughi, said: “While people are giving excuses, Oakville is here investing and expanding. We will urge more of our people to come here and invest.

“We are asking that others borrow a leaf and do the same. Our dream of a livable, smart megacity is working. Soludo is working day and night to ensure the completion of the new Government House, and before long, the governor will leave Amawbia for Awka for a permanent government house and governor’s lodge.”

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