Save Journalism From Quacks ; Amosun Urges Media Practitioners


Amosun urges media practitioners to come up with a self-regulatory framework, to save journalism from quacks

The former Governor of Ogun State, Senator Ibikunle Amosun has admitted that online journalism is now becoming a major force in influencing public opinion and sparking discussions, with a caution that practitioners should come up with self-regulatory framework to wage war against quackery

Amosun stated this in his speech as the Chairman at the 6th anniversary lecture of Penpushing Media, owner of online newspaper and television held at new marquee events centre, Olusegun Obasanjo Presidential Library, Abeokuta.

‘As essential as the roles of the media and its practitioners are in our society, especially in shaping the opinions and setting agenda for good governance, national cohesion, communal harmony, and socio-economic development, it is of utmost importance that the media, particularly online platforms, must do so with circumspection and deep sense of responsibility’, he said.

He pointed out that the proliferation of online media in Nigeria has become a source of concern to stakeholders in the media industry and the generality of the people, observing the speed with which news can be written, revised, and released makes online journalism an indispensable tool for journalists and readers alike.


‘There is no gain saying that the media has continued to gain more prominence in today’s world, as its sphere of influence and reach increase day by day. Though one cannot rule out the fact that online journalism comes with its ability to ensure that news and information get to readers all over the world as they happen’, he added.

‘In today’s fast-paced, internet-enabled world, people are increasingly turning to online media for their news and information. This has led to a change in the way that news is reported and consumed, with online journalism now becoming a major force in influencing public opinion and sparking discussions’, he noted.

‘On the flip side of these positive gains, are issues of rumour peddling, outright untruths, manipulative propaganda, and fake news posing a huge change to the credibility of many of these online media platforms’, Amosun emphasised.

The former Governor lamented that online media platforms appear to have created an avenue where everyone can lay claim to being a ‘citizen or digital journalist’, and engage in spreading news stories not minding whether they are factual or not.

‘While many people dish out false information out of lack of knowledge about the ethical standards of journalism profession, yet, some others maliciously engage in disseminating premeditated falsehood about people and institutions with intent to discredit, ridicule, or damage their reputations. Sadly, negative news items tend to gain traction faster and more than the positive ones’, he stated.

‘This trend is fast becoming a new normal and has continued unabated in our society. As we are in this hall today, several online media platforms are launching into the air waves, publishing stories without any restraints or recourse to the core journalistic values of Objectivity, Balance, and Professionalism’, he stated.

‘This is a challenge to media practitioners to come up with a self-regulatory framework, in conjunction with the relevant bodies, in other to save journalism from the grip hands of quacks and “emergency reporters” who are fond of publishing fake, subjective and unbalanced news or stories.

‘From the foregoing, the need for regulation of online and social media is vital to separate the serious ones from the unscrupulous outfits, many of whose promoters are faceless and their offices unregistered, from tarnishing the image and damaging the reputation of the serious-minded professional ones’, he added. This is to forestall a case of one bad apple spoiling the whole bunch’.

Amosun, however, who agreed that the theme of the anniversary lecture “National Balance-Infrastructure Capacity, Diversity as Tools for Building Blocks and Good Governance”, was a multifaceted topic, however, tasked Penpushing Media to take a pole position in the drive to regulate this sector of news media

‘May I humbly challenge Penpushing Media to take a pole position in the drive to regulate this sector of news media. Penpushing needs to collaborate with other online media platforms and work with the Nigeria Union of Journalists (NUJ) to set standards and code of conducts for their operations, including the accreditation of their members, and the need to educate the general public of their recourse to complain and seek redress where injured, and to ensure prompt retraction of untrue news or stories’, he emphasised.

‘This is the time for real journalists to take their rightful position. Our nation is in dire need of journalists and media practitioners who are committed and unwavering in their quest to employ their platforms to publish verifiable, objective and balanced news stories that will engender peace and tranquility in the society, national development and cohesion, and not falsehood and propaganda’, Amosun added.

Amosun while thanking the Editorial Board, Management, planning committee and the entire staff of Penpushing Media for inviting him to chair this year’s anniversary lecture, encouraged Penpushing Media to continue to live up to the ethical standard of Journalism.

‘Let me begin congratulate the Editorial Board, Management, and the entire staff of Penpushing Media on the occasion of your 6th anniversary lecture. l also commend the planning committee and all those who contributed to the successful organisation of this event’, he said.

The founder of the Penpushing Media, Prince Dimeji Kayode-Adedeji earlier in his welcome speech said the media outlet has been robustly nurtured on the journalistic ideology of adding value to journalism worldwide, by ensuring credible sources of news around the world

He explained that the media outlet, which has become a famous global news dissemination platform, got its certificate of registration with the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) on June 1, 2017, with its corporate headquarters located at Leme axis of Moshood Abiola Way, Abeokuta the Ogun State Capital’.

Kayode-Adedeji said the organization is member of Nigerian Guild of Editors (NGE), International Press Institute (IPI) with headquarters in Switzerland, Guild Online Corporate Publishers (GOCOP), Media Consultant ECOWAS-FEBWE Nigeria and Media Partner Leading Women of Africa Group, Cape Town, South Africa among others

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