Prominent Youth Mobiliser and Politician Shot Dead In Rivers


Gunmen suspected to be cultists have shot dead in cold blood Mr Ebenezer Matthew, President of Abarikpo community in Akoh Kingdom, Ahoada East Local Government Area of Rivers State.

The killing came less than three months after gunmen suspected to be cultists gang-raped Mrs Chigbewejim Lawyer, the wife of Pastor Lawyer Steward, to death in the community.

The Public Relations Officer of Akoh Youth Congress, in the area, Ekeakita Chinem, described the deceased as someone who hates illegality.

Chinem said: “Yes, it’s true that Comrade Matthew Ebenezer was shot dead yesterday night in his home town, in his father’s compound. The only thing I know about Matthew is that Matthew is not somebody that condole illegality.

“He is somebody that has been standing firm, fighting against cultists and insecurity in the community. And, I believe that is one of the two things that might have led to his death. But, I know he has been a good person in the Akoh Kingdom.


“Yes, the matter has been reported to the police. As I am speaking to you now, they are preparing for his burial.

“The insecurity in Ekpeye communities has turned to a usual church praises when you talk of killings in Ekpeye, both Ahoada East and Ahoada West.

“It has become usual praise. Every day, people do not sleep with their two eyes closed. Every day, we record killings. As of last month, April, we had about 36 recorded. In Ekpeye ethnic nationality, we have six clans known as kingdoms.

“The ones we recorded, Ubie has the highest, about 16 (deaths). We have Ahoada six, we have Akoh three and machines (Motorcycles) stolen. We record daily robberies at Odiemenyi Road.

“I am calling on the security agencies and the political leaders to beef up security in Ekpeye land, not to just stay and allow poor masses to die.”

He called on the Divisional Police Officer (DPO, Commander, Joint Task Force (JTF) and the two Local Government chairmen of Ahoada East and Ahoada West, as well as the paramount rulers, to come to the aid of the poor in Ekpeye land before the thing (killing) turns to the 2016 matter.

The State Police Public Relations Officer (PPRO), Grace Iringe-Koko, a Superintendent of Police (SP), has confirmed the incident to journalists.

Iringe-Koko said it was not a cult clash and that the Police had identified the person who led the gang that killed the youth leader, but the kingpin and other culprits were yet to be arrested.

The Command’s spokesperson added that efforts were on to arrest the culprits, as the investigation continues.

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