Primate Ndukuba On Empathy Visit To Ajayi Crowther University Oyo


Most Rev. Henry Ndukuba, the Primate of the Church of Nigeria (Anglican Communion)was recently on empathy visit to Ajayi Ajayi Crowther University, Oyo, over the tragic incident on the campus.

The visit was as a result of a sad event in May when a 200-level engineering student, Alex Timileyi, was brutally beaten to death by his peers in the Shepherd Inn hostel over accusations of stealing a mobile phone.

A report on the visit from the media assistant of the university Sunday Sanu as posted on his Facebook said Primate Ndukuba said Primate Ndukuba thanked God for divine intervention which had thwarted the malevolent forces believed to be working against the institution.

Most Rev. Henry Ndukuba, addressing the Ajayi Crowther University (ACU) community, spoke of the the gravity of the recent incidents by stating, “The plan of the devil was to completely destroy the university we have been laboring to build in the last 17 years with good reputation.

He gave the Almighty God the glory to have checkmated the level of the disaster and attributed the mitigation of the crisis to divine intervention, highlighting the spiritual challenges faced by the institution.


Primate Ndukuba urged all stakeholders—students, parents, staff, and supporters—to keep their faith in ACU’s mission in providing quality education and moral training.

He reassured them that the university would emerge stronger and more resilient from the challenges it had encountered. “to foster hope and unity within the community, reinforcing the belief that ACU’s foundational values and commitment to excellence would endure despite the recent adversity.

“What has happened has made us wiser and stronger. I have been informed that the university management had decided to put in place certain measures that would prevent these kinds of ugly experiences. I know that the security of the students is going to be given more attention. One thing is certain, affliction shall not arise again,” the Primate assured.

The Primate commended the management for their handling of the situation,saying the incidents had rattled all ACU stakeholders as “this is an academic environment where such things were not expected to happen.”

After being led to the scene of the incident at Shepherd Inn, the Primate advised students to be vigilant and report any unusual occurrences to the authorities instead of posting on social media.

“Instead of posting your observations or grievances on social media, report to the school management where there will be solutions. Social media will not offer any solution, rather, it will continue to soil our image. Therefore, don’t keep quiet when you observe anything that looks unusual,” he stated.

Primate Ndukuba, prayed for the students and staff, assured them that the Church of Nigeria would continue to pray for ACU’s success, stressing that the institution, with its track record, “is a beautiful university that must be supported and protected.”

Earlier, the Pro-Chancellor Dr Olutoyin Okeowo had earlier briefed the Primate on the incidents of rape and a student’s death over an alleged phone theft, which had led to police involvement.

“The Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Timothy Adebayo, who was on an official assignment at the time of the visit was represented by his Deputy, Prof. Benjamin Popoola and other management team, including the Registrar, Dr. J. T. Babatola, University’s Bursar, Mr. Ayodele Olusanwo and the University’s Librarian, Dr. Bosede Adebimpe Ajiboye,” the statement added.

During the visit, Most Rev. Ndukuba was accompanied by several key figures, including Most Rev. Joseph Akinfenwa, the university’s Visitor, Rt. Rev. Williams Aladekugbe, Secretary to the House of Bishops, and Dr. Olutoyin Okeowo, the Pro-Chancellor and Chairman of the Council. The delegation met with students, parents, and staff, offering assurances and comfort

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