Of 2023 and adjudging who to vote for (II) — Our Security, Our Peace by Dr. O.E Bassey


“In fairness and justice, we are looking at ethnicity and religion background of these candidates. Where are they coming from. What religion are they into. This is all taking into consideration the talk of marginalization that has steamed the land in recent time and threatened to cause havoc, if not having caused havoc.”

Having talked about the three critical Cs of Competence, Character and Capacity as parameters towards adjudging who to accord your vote come the 2023 elections, it is important it is stressed that the trio is not all there is to adjudging the right candidate for the country come 2023, especially in light of the prevailing socio-political climate.
While the three Cs are impeccable and still hold importance, the parameters of Fairness and Just must also be brought to bear on electoral choices.
It is expected and as seen, the major candidates in the run towards the election in February 25 are almost equal when it comes to the three Cs such that it is a tight one putting one above on the tripod of Competence, Character and Capacity. However, in light of how duel-like the competition might be among the three, that is where we bring the lot into play to decide if their candidacy is on the runway of fairness and justice. ‘
In fairness and justice, we are looking at ethnicity and religion background of these candidates. Where are they coming from. What religion are they into. This is all taking into consideration the talk of marginalization that has steamed the land in recent time and threatened to cause havoc, if not having caused havoc.
Therefore, the last thing we should think of doing is to fan these sensitive embers for the fear of razing down the whole country only because we failed to be perspicuous and insightful on critical matters like ethnicity and religion.
These things matter, and we must quit deceiving ourselves that they don’t. While they should come down the pecking order of the three Cs, they must be checked when making your decisions, so we don’t end up biting off more than we can chew.
It is never going to be a peaceful atmosphere that nurtures development — even with the most competent leader — when your brother next door is disgruntled and grievous as a result of having been denied, time and again, of what should be national right.
Regardless of the message of competence you might want to preach to him, at that point in time, the issue of being marginalized weighs more and bites more in him. And to move a country forward, especially a country as peculiar as Nigeria, the last thing you would ever want are disgruntled camps that will not, for anything in this world except fair representation, put their hands on deck for ultimate development.
So, in a bid not to have this tricky situation in our hands, we need to be proactive and pragmatic in our decision making prior to the polls.
Which candidate will bring fairness to the land in light of equal representation that should ordinarily be the right of every region and religion in the country.
There are reasons we are different, which goes a long chalk to establishing the beauty of who we are. We must respect this, not only in rhetoric, but also in power if we must forge a country of peace, love, unity and its offshoot — development.
Proverbs 31;9
Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and the needy.
Dr. Ofonime Emmanuel Bassey is a Security, Peace and Conflict Resolution Coach with decades of experience in the practice and promotion of Law Enforcement, Peace and Security through the Nigeria Police and the United Nations.
He is an advocate of Peace Leadership and Child Protection.
He has served and interacted at the top level management of the Nigeria Police as well as internationally as a United Nation’s Monitor/Mentor in Kosovo, Europe.
A professor of Peace Advocacy and Conflict Resolution, Dr. O.E Bassey is a certified United Nation’s Trainer, and currently the Director of ICOF Institute of Leadership, Peace and Conflict Resolution in Africa.
With his marks well-established in Peace Leadership both in Nigeria and Africa. Currently, he is the President, NISSI Safety Management Institute: An Institute of Peace Leadership.
Presently, he is spearheading a campaign tagged “The Next Peace Leaders”, a campaign that is billed to run from 2022-2023 with a target of training 37,000 young peace leaders.
For peace and security tips, consultations and trainings, reach him via:
Facebook: Dr. O.E Bassey
LinkedIn: Dr. O.E Bassey
Twitter: Dr. O.E Bassey
WhatsApp: +2347065828892

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