Oborevwori urges stakeholders to ensure speedy justice delivery


Delta State Governor, Hon. Sheriff Oborevwori has urged stakeholders to work assiduously to ensure speedy justice delivery in the courts.

Speaking at a special thanksgiving mass to mark the beginning of the 2023/2024 legal year held at Emmanuel the Saviour Catholic Church, Asaba, Governor Oborevwori frowned at the delays in Nigeria’s justice system.

He assured that his administration would continue to invest in the judiciary to enable it meet up with its obligations of dispensing justice speedily.

He commended the judiciary for starting its new Legal Year 2023/2024 with a thanksgiving service, adding that, “I say that because God Almighty proclaims that righteousness and justice are the foundation of His throne”.

The Governor said the Bar and the Bench were co-workers with God to ensure that truth and justice prevailed in the society, saying, “it is a weighty responsibility, and one that you all should take very seriously for a just, secure, and safe society.”


“There is still public apprehension over delays in our justice system. All those involved, the Bar, Bench, and Security Agencies must see to it that the wheel of justice does not continue to grind slowly as is presently the case in many of our courts. Let us bear in mind that justice delayed is justice denied.

“As a government, our role is to provide the enabling environment for the judiciary to function without let or hindrance.

“Towards this end, we have continued to make the necessary investments in the judiciary to enable it meet the needs of the legal profession, and ensure that the public continues to be served by competent courts of law,” he said.

In his homily, Catholic Bishop of Issele-Uku Diocese, Most Rev’d Michael Elue said the judiciary contributes immensely to the rule of law in any state or country.

He said those exercising the powers of government must ensure they comply with the rule of law in all their conducts to show a good example to the citizenry.

He said judges must continue to uphold justice to justify the confidence reposed in them and appealed to Nigerians to give the judiciary the atmosphere that favours their independence and incorruptibility.

The Speaker of the Delta State House of Assembly, Hon. Emomotimi Guwor and other top government functionaries accompanied the Governor to the thanksgiving service.

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