Nigerian Architect shares his savage response to five Caucasian boys who were shocked that he could read

Nigerian Architect shares

A Nigerian Architect has recounted his encounter with five Caucasian boys who were surprised that he could read in London, United Kingdom.

The man, identified as @harrydaniyan on Twitter, shared this story while responding to a tweet asking black people to share their racist experience abroad.

According to him, he was reading a magazine at a busstop in London when the white boys made a racist comment and laughed about his ability to read.


In response to their jab, he took time to school the boys about how he is a certified Architect in Nigeria and berated them for being mere Highschoolers.

He further told them that people with their level of education are considered illiterates in Nigeria.

Read his full tweet below,

“As I sat at a bus stop in London waiting for the bus, I brought out a magazine to read.
The white boy sitting next to me shouted: “Hey, look! He CAN read!” He & his 4 friends sitting next to him laughed hard!

I smiled & said, “yeah, I CAN read. I’m an Architect from Nigeria… I have a Master’s Degree in Architecture. Do YOU know what Architecture is?”
“Yes, mate! You design houses, right?”
“Good! So, what do YOU do? What’s the level of YOUR education?”
“High school!”

I asked the next boy.
“High school!”

And the next.
“High School!”

All 5 of them…

I said, “so, y’all just have high school education! Interesting.
Do you know what we call folks like you in my Country?”

“No, what?”


I smiled sweetly & returned to my magazine.

Needless to say, they didn’t say a word again until their bus came…”

See below,

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