
A friend and I were ruminating over multiple issues with Nigeria, our tiring country the other day, just as very many concerned acquaintances do these very difficult days.

Then, it occurred to me very clearly that our nation is sadly a living contrapment of wicked interlocking lies, which has begun inflicting an unretracting thick web of debilitating frustrations on the vast majority across all geographies and life sectors!

None seems immune, even those who have not realized the depth of trouble they are plunged into, especially the privileged but wicked plunderers perpetrating inhumane elephantine dimensions of corruption at the unfortunate detriment of the naive people of this country that they took the oath to serve. I know that ” those who hide the light from others keep themselves and their own children under the brute force of darkness, waiting to be soon unleashed!

Let’s start from the beginning, verified historical accounts have established that, “we, the people ” remains a huge lie, because our nationalist forebears never at one time sat together to consummate any desire for the entity called Nigeria, making the foundation, the constitution, and even the name, all lies!

Handed the lies, our helpless nationalist ancestors were railroaded into the contrapment, the purpose and vision of which they never knew but made to presume and heavily weighted upon to play along! Another terrible falsity! Let’s address other issues.
My friend reminded me of how serviced apartments in some parts of VI in Lagos are rented for upwards of N36m per annum in the same country where average families comprised of five graduates, dad, mum, and three children cannot boast of N3m combined savings at year end! Who are the tenants in these special apartments who have brand new choice GWagon, Bentley, 2023 SUVs, for each member of the family, and a couple of new station wagons as utility vehicles for their cooks and other domestic staff for market and other runs?! Who are the kid tenants who from home attend school at Unilag, Lasu, etc?! and riding “tear rubber” vehicles, often “dashing” gate wardens and nearby traffic officers couple of N1k notes at will?


Most rely on proceeds of corruption, they’re living a lie! Several others, legit, rely on the privileges of the exchange rates for their foreign currencies in dollars, yuan, pounds sterling, Dutch Marks, Indian Rupees, etc – giving the impression that it’s the Nigerian economy that’s that buoyant and sustaining! Lie!

Shall we talk about the decades of so called petroleum subsidy and the trillions gulped? The perennial refineries refurbishment dollar allocation?! The countless undelivered but invoiced, paid for, and receipted petroleum products, over several decades, running into hundreds of billions of dollars, so called round tripping?!! Lies, lies, lies! Yet, these are the bases for budgeting and econometrics many many years!! All lies!

More recently, NNPC says X, Dangote says Y, over such a simple matter of how much just one commodity transacted between two big corporations as short a time dimension as one week! That’s how rotten and deep seated the thick web of the lies has become!
Who will deliver Nigeria from this body of LIES o? I’m just wondering! Abi you know?!

Tunde Kolajo
September 2024

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