NEWSPOT DAILY TONIC: The Ultimate Tragedy …By Bishop Duke Akamisoko


The ultimate tragedy is not the oppression and cruelty by the bad people but the silence over that by the good people.The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
Goodness is about character – integrity, honesty, kindness, generosity, moral courage, and the like. More than anything else, it is about how we treat other people
You should never be afraid to give up the good to start your journey towards the best. Life is all about taking risks. It is all about taking huge leaps towards the better versions of ourselves. None of us want to get stuck in a position when we feel like we have achieved everything.
It should not be anyone’s mentality to think that way. We all are worthy of the fight. We all want to make things better for the people we love and for us. Especially the ones who have a dream to achieve in their lives, are the ones who should never look at their lives in such a way.
There is always a level up in our lives. If we have done something that looks great, that is fine, but there are also things that are even better. It will be not good if we commit to our life that we think we have done it pretty well, and there is nothing better left.
We have to find out the best versions of ourselves to achieve our dreams. We have to do everything we can to unleash the best of ourselves. So never be afraid of leaving things that seem good to achieve the great ones.
You should never stop in great either. When you achieve greatness, you should opt for the even better work of yours. And the day you can hear your heart’s call in a satisfactory tone, is the day you have done your greatest work. So never be afraid to give up the good to pursue the great.
Great Sunday and week ahead is yours in Jesus name.
Bishop Duke Akamisoko

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