Mama’s Only Child Saw Him Ten Years Ago Still Waiting For Her Soldier Son




He was Mama’s only child.

He was Mama’s answered prayers.

He was the reason why no one could call mama a bàrren woman anymore.


He was the reason why mama could walk with her head held high.

He was the eyes mama use to see.

He was Mama’s only hope in life.

Over 10 years ago, Ojima, Mama’s only child ran home to her happily.

His dreams of becoming a soldier to protect the people of his country had finally come true.

Mama was happy too, her only son would become a soldier and she would become the mother of a soldier.

Mama’s joy knew no bounds, she couldn’t wait for her son to wear the uniform of a hero.

Soon, Ojima and his mother had to part ways, it was a sad moment for both of them but they were comforted knowing that they would see each other again. So they thought.

Few months later, Ojima was done with his training and he was posted straight to Maîduguri.

Ojima called his mother and promised to see her soon.

He said soon, right?

But it’s over a decade now, yet mama has not heard anything from her son.

His number stopped connecting and mama couldn’t reach him anymore.

Soon has turned to years, over 10 good years.

Mama has gone to see different màllams, pàstors, spîritualist, name it! Mama has gone everywhere.

Mama has prayed on her own to no avail, she jumps from one prayer house to another and all they could do was give her false hope.

“Your son will return soon.” They keep telling her. Let’s hope their predictions come true.

Mama is now the shadow of her former self.

Remember, Ojima her son was her eyes what happens when ones eyes are plûcked off?

Mama is asking the same question she has been asking for over 10 years.

Where is Ojima, her son, her only child?

Nobody is giving Mama the answer she wants to hear.

How did Mama’s only son disappear from the surface of the earth just like that?

Your guess is as good as mine, but mama is not ready for this conversation.

May God reward all the soldiers (heroes) who lóst their lives in bàttle and may God comfort their loved ones.

Remember Mama Ojima in your prayers because this is a true life story.

Mama is still waiting for her son to return home to her one day
– Safiya

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