Ladoja @ 80: A study in unique dimensions FEMI ADEOTI COLUMN,


His steadfastness is viewed largely in error by his foes. They intentionally take it for stubbornness. They goof. It is where he derives his strength and courage.
His “stubbornness” excites friends and associates. It irritates adversaries. It even infuriates antagonists. It’s expected. Different strokes for different folks.
But they strike a convenient balance. They all agree, his steadfastness is his greatest asset. They are not bold enough to dispute his piousness.
It is exactly what he has going for him, real good. Through thick and thin. And he has no plan deviating from this path of honour. He has resolved to walk the noble road all the days of his life.
Always striving to align with good reasons. He dwells richly on selfless service. That reflects in his actions and inactions. He’s meticulous to the extreme. It is working wonders for him. Once he toils to make up his mind. That decision is dear to his heart.
He won’t look back. He fixes his gaze on the ball. And the goal post is his ultimate destination. He cares less; who’s for him, against him. Even after him. The reason he rarely fights to a standstill.
He fights his war to win. He confronts the battle to sustain the cherished victory. He has done this several times over. Of course, in unique dimensions.
He is proudly Oba Rashidi Adewolu Ladoja, Otun Olubadan of Ibadanland. The heir apparent to the revered and classic Olubadan throne. You don’t find its type anywhere else.
It was a swift turn of event. He became Oba after he dramatically succumbed to the people’s will. He thereafter received a ceremonial beaded crown from the Olubadan, Oba Owolabi Olakulehin last month. It was memorable as well.
The Oba Oju Opo is straightforward. He won’t leave you in doubt. His stand is never ambiguous. You are at liberty to make your choice. It’s exclusive to you and you only.
With that, he easily disarms his “enemies.” And turns the table against his opponents. Reducing them to mere preys. What’s more! He does it with great dexterity. Subtly and diplomatically too. Such is his uncommon prowess. He is brave, brilliant and courageous.
What has he not seen? What has he not experienced? Humanly and practically nothing! In his last 80 years. He has been vilified, victimised, crucified. But most importantly vindicated. And that’s what really matters. The end justifies the means.
He enjoys an uncommon position in our political history. He was governor twice but for one term. From 2003 to 2006 and from 2006 to 2007. That, itself, is peculiar and phenomenal.
You will marvel how he did the deed. And this is how. He was impeached in January 2006. Before the year ran out, he was returned to the same office in December. He’s yet to be equalled.
He flaunts this record to whoever cares and cherishes honesty. He loves exploits. So, he dares whoever has the guts to challenge him.
But, Ladoja won’t forget Alhaji Lamidi Aryibi Adedibu in a hurry. That’s if he will ever forget him. Adedibu held sway as “the Strongman of Ibadan Politics” when he lived.
He was chiefly instrumental to Ladja’s impeachment on January 12, 2006. But the “strongman” was not strong enough to stop his return on November 11, 2006. That was far beyond his “famed” capacity and capability. The Supreme Court rubbished his acclaimed strength. It nullified Ladoja’s removal on November 1, 2006.
Even the enfant terrible Economic and Financial Crime Commission (EFCC) tried its best and worst at the same speed. It couldn’t break him. The resolve was so solid. After he left office, the powers-that-be unleashed EFCC on him.
The agency was all over him. They barely allowed him to breadth. That’s EFCC’s trademark. The same yesterday, today and tomorrow. The commission changeth its rough tactics not.
Trust the anti-graft body. It went for his jugular. He was made to undergo a vilified trial of more than 12-years. Within those dark years. He was arrested and re-arrested; tried and re-tried.
EFCC couldn’t last the distance. Its liver failed it and caved in. Its “evidence” against Ladoja collapsed like a pack of loose cards. It was compelled to good reasoning. It toed the path of honour. It bowed to Ladoja’s superior argument.
Oba Ladoja is used to being persecuted. And being deprived of his fundamental rights. Even as Senator in the not-fully-born Third Republic. He suffered the same fate. That would not deter him. It would instead spur him.
He was forced to flee the country for General Sani Abacha military junta. His was a narrow escape. He was a National Democratic Coalition (NADECO) top shot. He maintained his sponsorship of NADECO while the struggle lasted. He will gladly beat his chest for his NADECO roles home and abroad.
Ladoja is an all-rounder: Highly successful businessman; reputable Chemical Engineer; astute politician; renowned administrator, et al. In all these fields, he leaves indelible marks. He persists as the right peg in the right hole.
Ladoja’s legacy is novel as a leader. He faced significant political adversity. But he is committed to his vision for a better Oyo State. His contributions to the political and social development of the state continue to be recognised and respected.
Two particular policies stood him out as governor. The duo policies touched lives and lifted souls. They are crucial and evergreen till today. They remain the yardsticks his predecessor and successors are measured, interrogated and evaluated.
He did what others thought were not doable. Before he came. There used to be nothing less than 40 pupils in a class. Both in primary and secondary schools.
Ladoja detested that. He went to works and reduced it 30 students per class. And it remained so throughout his one-term turbulent tenure. Its twin brother was his welfare policy. Workers received their salaries every 27th day of the month. It never failed then.
He once said in a Daily Sun interview: “I am always concerned about my workers when the month is coming to an end. The reason I make welfare, particularly their salaries priority every month.”
I first crossed Ladoja’s path in 1997. It was without land mines. Rather, it was a pleasant “cross.” I was Editor, Sunday Tribune. We met at a Mapo Hall event that early Sunday evening. Paul Ogundipe (of blessed memory) was a witness of that chanced “encounter.”
At 80, he remains the same Ladoja except for age. He is always sticking to his gun. Even when others think it’s damned too risky and dangerous to do so. He forges ahead undeterred.
Ladoja came to Nigeria through Gambari, Ibadan, on September 25, 1944. His mother had followed his paternal grandmother to Gambari on a trade mission. They returned home to Ibadan three months after his birth.
Was Ladoja the “Abiku” who was “coming and going these several seasons” in J P Clark’s poem of the same title, “Abiku”? His response in yesterday’s Daily Sun interview:
“My mother told me that being the first child, after the late one because we Yoruba believe that there is stillbirth. One Rashidi was born on September 23, 1943 and died a day after the naming ceremony. May be, that was why she wanted me to be born outside Ibadan, I don’t know.”
He attended Ibadan Boys High School, Oke-Bola, Ibadan, from 1958 to 1963. He did his HSC (A Level) at Olivet Baptist High School, Ogbomoso, from 1964 to 1965. He proceeded to the University of Liège, Belgium, to earn a degree in Chemical Engineering.
He worked with Total Nigeria, for 13 years. He did this in various capacities. Thereafter, he entered into private business in 1985. His business interests include shipping, manufacturing, banking, agriculture and transportation.
Ladoja came innocently, sinless. Just like any mortar. That was 80 years ago. How times fly. Since then, many waters have passed under diverse bridges. And of various shapes.
Take it or leave it. In any way possible, he can’t be ignored. Indeed, he has to be courteously courted. His friends love admiring him. His foes risk disregarding him.
Unarguably. Oba Rashidi Adewolu Ladoja has seen, conquered and still conquering. May you continue to age gracefully. May your reign be long and prosperous in all facets of life.

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