Kaduna seeks investment from Saudi Arabia

Governor Uba Sani

The Kaduna State Government has canvassed for investment and support from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Deputy Governor, Dr Hadiza Sabuwa Balarabe stated this at an event to celebrate the 93rd National Day of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at The Afficent event centre, in Kano on Saturday.

In her remarks, the deputy governor thanked the Kingdom of Saudi for the goodwill and continued support to Nigeria, Kano State and Kaduna by extension.

She further said that Kaduna State was open for business and called for more support from the Kindom of Saudi to Kaduna State especially in the area of investment.


She said, “I stand here representing the Governor of Kaduna State, Senator Uba Sani who is unfortunately absent in this event. He has asked me to extend his warm felicitation to the Consul General and the people of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

“I want to thank you for all the support you have been giving Nigeria, Kano and indeed Kaduna State. We pray that we will have more.

“Kaduna State has been open for business for a long time. We have expanded our frontiers and we hope to feel the impact of your presence in Kaduna State because it can open so many areas for collaboration in education, health, and so on.

“We are focusing on human capital development and we hope that our efforts in that area will be supplemented by the support we will have from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

“On behalf of the people and government of Kaduna State, I say congratulations and we pray that we will have many National Day celebrations.”

The event was hosted by the Consul General of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, His Excellency Khalil Ahmed Alwami, and was attended by the Governor of Kano State, Engineer Abba Kabir Yusuf who served as the guest of honour. The Governors of Kaduna, Jigawa, Gombe and Zamfara States were also represented by their deputies.

Other dignitaries include the Emir of Kano and Sultan of Sokoto all represented, Government Officials, captains of Industries, Members of the Diploma Corps and other imminent personalities.

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