
The Registrar, Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board (JAMB) has disclosed that illegal admissions of candidates into tertiary institutions in the country is an embarrassment and a disservice to the nation.

Prof. Oloyede made the disclosure on Tuesday, 25th June, 2024 when he hosted the delegation of the Committee of Pro-Chancellors of State Universities in Nigeria (COPSUN) in his office, at the National Headquarters, Bwari, Abuja. “Some ‘graduates’ had never entered the four walls of a university owing to the endemic corruption in the system but the Board had documented over 3000 of such cases,” he stated.

The Registrar, therefore, charged COPSUN to ensure that they clean the augean stables by ensuring that they clamp down on underhand admissions, which is not only detrimental to the system but is also disadvantageous to the image of the country.

The Chairman, COPSUN, Sen. Joshua Lidani, thanked the Registrar for their warm welcome. According to him, COPSUN needed no introduction as the Registrar was familiar with the body and what it stands for over the years. Sen. Lidani commended the Registrar for all his support to the body over the years and also lauded him for the creation of a formidable and a more credible assessment organisation.

He added that as a world-class institution, the Board had leveraged on appropriate technology to upscale its operations. He recalled the situation prior to the coming of the Registrar when results would take several weeks before they would be released compared to the almost instantaneous system that obtains now.


Speaking further, the COPSUN Chairman also commended the Registrar for exposing the loopholes in the assessment system that had enabled nefarious characters to exploit the system for their own ends. He, therefore, urged the Registrar to sustain the tempo as these characters are still waiting in the wings to exploit any slightest opportunity.

Additionally, he lauded the Registrar for generating revenue to the coffers of government and subsequently remitting huge sums of money in the process. He, therefore, charged him to sustain the tempo for other similar MDAs to emulate.He stated that they are ready to offer necessary support to the Board as stakeholders in the system and that by so doing, they could help to reposition the educational system for better service delivery. “COPSUN could, indeed, do more, were it not for the paucity of funds, among others”.

He, however, reiterated that, COPSUN was ready to offer support in more ways than one especially with respect to bringing down the rate of examination malpractice.He further implored the Board to channel some funds to the state universities sector to ameliorate some of their financial challenges as they have limited resources compared to the almost limitless resources at the disposal of their federal counterparts.

Sen. Lidani also used the opportunity of the visit to intimate the Board of the upcoming biennial conference of the body and extended an invitation to the Registrar to grace the occasion.Additionally, he solicited the support of the Registrar in both material and intellectual terms towards organising a successful conference.Earlier in the Registrar’s opening remarks, he disclosed that the Board’s campaign against underage admission was anchored on the need to align the nation’s educational sector with international best practices.

He added that elsewhere, it is the age that determines the class a student belongs not his intellectual endowment.Prof. Oloyede also acknowledged the funding challenges facing state-owned universities. He decried such as capable of destroying the fabric of the educational system in the country. He agreed that assisting COPSUN is tantamount to helping the nation in general to thrive and succeed and promised to table the solicitation for support to the Management of the Board for necessary action.The Registrar also used the opportunity afforded by the meeting to inform the COPSUN delegation of the upcoming 2024 Policy Meeting slated for 18th July, 2024.

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