“I woke up at my fúnǝral 6 times and now my family, friends and people are thinking I’m a gh0st” – A Man who refused to stay dǝad shares


A 40-year-old man named Ismail Azizi in an interview with Afrimax relayed how he died and came back to life six times, he revealed how his community thinks he is a ghost and great witch because he refused to stay dead.

He shared the ostracization he faced from his community, family, and friends. This belief led them to burn him in his house, causing him to die from smoke inhalation, but he still later came back to life.


A man interviewed alongside him to give an account, Al Mansi says,

“When the incident happened, I witnessed everything because I and others were in charge of burying him. Just before the ceremony started, he came out of the coffin. Everyone there immediately ran away because it was terrifying to see someone you know is dead come back to life. This wasn’t the only time; there were other occasions where he died and came back to life.”

Ismail explained that each time he dies, his family and friends gather for his funeral, but he always comes back to life. He described his experiences, “Life continued, but I felt there was something wrong. Every time I died and came back, my body felt strange. Because of the witches in our area, people started treating me as if I were a witch.”

He also shared a serious accident at work where everyone thought he had died. “They took me to the hospital in critical condition, and the doctors told my friends and relatives that I was dead. They took me to the morgue, but I woke up feeling very cold. Fortunately, the morgue wasn’t closed, and I walked out. When my family saw me, they ran away because they thought I was a ghost.”

Ismail also relayed when he died from malaria, “As soon as they placed me in the coffin, I woke up and realized I was alive. This was the second time it had happened. People didn’t believe I was real; they thought I was a ghost.”

He spoke about another incident: “During a trip, our car collided with another vehicle carrying fuel, and I went into a coma. Even the doctors became scared because they had seen me come back to life multiple times. They started treating me as if I were a witch.”

He lives a solitary live and termed his experience as a gift from God as he shared that his grandfather had also resurrected from the dead during his lifetime.


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