I predict that Tinubu’s election would ultimately by upheld by the Supreme Court. By Wumi Akintide



I don’t care if the Tribunal rules otherwise right now or tomorrow.

If that happens the case is going to end up at the Supreme Court.

The final decider is going to be the Supreme Court and rightly so in our judicial system which is totally different from the Juror System of the American Presidential System which Nigeria has shamelessly plagiarized.

Even though the system is damn too sophisticated and damn too expressive for our own level of development and political maturity or wizardry, all things considered.


I have said it before and I am going to repeat it here at the risk of being immodest that Nigeria had made a huge mistake to have dropped the British Parliamentary system for the American Presidential System “ab initio”

It is a done deal that Tinubu is going to be President for 4 years and could extend to 8, if he is re-elected.

Only death or health incapacitation or the Supreme Court can change that.

I am not a lawyer and I lack the “locus standi” or the authority or the intellectual depth and capacity to say what I am saying.

I hate to sound like a legal luminary like Wole Olanipekun or Femi Falana or Itse Sagay or Professor Yadudu or Nasir El Rufai or lawyer Agbamuche or Agbakoba or some of the brilliant lawyers of the South/South or the Southeast.

I am predicting without any scintilla of doubt that Tinubu’s election is going to be ultimately upheld by the Tribunal or the Supreme Court.

I don’t care if the Tribunal rules otherwise today or tomorrow as being speculated or rumored by some Nigerians I speak to.

If that happens the case is going to end up at the Supreme Court.

The final decider and the last stop is going to be the Supreme Court and rightly so in our judicial system which is totally different from the Juror System of the American Presidential System Nigeria has shamelessly plagiarized.

Even though the system is damn too sophisticated and damn too expensive for our own level of development and political maturity or wizardry, all things considered.

I have said it before and I am going to repeat it here at the risk of being immodest that Nigeria had made a a costly mistake to have dropped the British Parliamentary system for the American Presidential System.

It is a done deal that Tinubu is going to be President for 4 years and his tenure could be extended to 8, if he is re-elected.

Only death or health incapacitation or the Supreme Court can change that but the Supreme Court also has factor in the stability and peaceful coexistence of Nigeria in reaching their decision.

I am not a lawyer and I lack the “locus standi” or the authority or the intellectual depth and capacity to say what I am saying and to sound like a legal luminary like Wole Olanipekun or Femi Falana or Itse Sagay or Professor Yadudu or like Nasir El Rufai or lawyer Agbamuche or lawyer Agbakoba or any of the legal juggernauts of the South/ South or the South East Geo- political zones of Nigeria that time and space would not permit me to list one by one in this write-up.

But I do know many of them and I apologize for not listing them one by one in this article.

The American founding fathers knew that the study of Law and certification and Board Licensing are required to adjudicate cases, but they still went ahead to embrace and chose the Juror System over and above the British Judicial System which they inherited from His Majesty’s Government in Great Britain prior to July 4, 1776 when America had secured her independence.

If Jurors with no legal training and education at all, are allowed and empowered in America to decide conviction or acquittal in a law Court, it simply means that America recognizes that non lawyers and novices like many of you reading this article and myself can still have a say in legal matters and Jurisprudence like the one Nigeria faces today as we are now awaiting the ruling of the Election Tribunal on whether or not Tinubu has been legally and rightfully elected the new President of Nigeria?

The guy has won the highest number of votes but only 11 percent of the total number of registered voters in Nigeria which is bizarre in a Democracy but we have to live with what we have and not what we wish for in the future.

The main bone of contention the Tribunal or the Supreme Court has to decide now from those deposed or tendered by Atiku or Peter Obi is that Tinubu’s election should be nullified because he has not scored 25 percent of the total number of votes in Abuja whose population is now dominated by voters from the Southeast of Nigeria and whether or not Abuja, to all intent and purposes, should be treated just like any state in Nigeria as implied in the current Nigerian Constitution.

The Nigerian legislators make the Laws and the Judiciary interprets the Law rightly or wrongly as there is a clear separation of power between the Executive, the Legislature and the Judiciary. Each of them has to stay on their own lane.

We are all bound by their ruling once it is made. That is the beauty of Democracy we have all embraced.

I have carefully studied the defense by the lead lawyer of Atiku and the 47 witnesses of the PDP.

I have studied the brief of the lead lawyer of Peter Obi and their 13 witnesses.

I have also listened to Wole Olanipekun, the lead lawyer of Tinubu and their many witnesses.

I have digested and distilled the comments from Arise TV panel comprising of eloquent Rufai and brilliant Reuben Abati, an erudite lawyer and a frontline journalist before writing this article and making my prediction.

I hundred percent side with Reuben Abati and I completely endorse the powerful submission and flawless defense eloquently mounted by Wole Olanipekun who can be called one the 5 best lawyers of Nigeria if not the best based on his track record as a top notch legal luminary right now in Nigeria.

I am predicting that Wole Olanipekun is going to win the case and that President Tinubu is here for the long haul and that Chairman Yakubu and his INEC team were right and justified to have declared Tinubu as the clear winner of the Presidential Election held on February 25th, 2023, three days after the election.

I was home for the election and I was persuaded that the man had won the election fair and square and I said so in my article I wrote and posted in Nigeria on February 28th and I explained how he had done it. It was not Rocket Science!

I still hold that belief to be self-evident that the Tribunal or the Supreme Court is going to rule in favor of Tinubu.

The American founding fathers knew that the study of Law and certification and Board Licensing are required but they still went ahead to embrace and chose the Juror System over and above the British Judicial System which they inherited from His Majesty’s Government prior to July 4, 1776 when America had secured her independence from Great Britain.

If Jurors with no legal training and education at all are allowed and empowered in America to decide conviction or acquittal in a law Court, it simply means that America recognizes that non lawyers and novices like me and you can still have a say in legal matters and Jurisprudence like the one Nigeria faces today as we are now awaiting the ruling of the Election Tribunal on whether or not Tinubu was legally and rightfully elected the new President of Nigeria.

The guy has won the highest number of votes but only 11 percent of the total number of registered voters in Nigeria.

That he had scored only 11 percent out of 100 is a failing grade but that cannot disqualify him from claiming his victory in a Democracy, sad to say.

The main bone of contention the Tribunal or the Supreme Court has to decide now among those deposed by Atiku and Peter Obi is that Tinubu’s election should have been nullified because he had not scored 25 percent of the total number of votes in Abuja whose population is now dominated by voters from the Southeast of Nigeria and whether or not Abuja, to all intent and purposes, should be treated just like a state in Nigeria as implied in the current Nigerian Constitution.

I have carefully studied the defense by the lead lawyer of Atiku and the 47 witnesses of the PDP.

I have studied the brief of the lead lawyer of Peter Obi and their 13 witnesses.

I have also listened to Wole Olanipekun, the lead lawyer of Tinubu and their many witnesses.

I have digested and distilled the comments from Arise TV panel comprising of eloquent Rufai and brilliant Reuben Abati, an erudite lawyer and frontline journalist before writing this article and making my prediction.

I hundred percent side with Reuben Abati and I completely endorse the powerful submission and flawless defense eloquently mounted by Wole Olanipekun who can be called one of the 5 best lawyers of Nigeria if not the best based on his track record as a top notch legal luminary.

I am predicting that Wole Olanipekun is going to win the case and that President Tinubu is here for the long haul and that Chairman Yakubu and his INEC team were within their right and justified to declare Tinubu as the clear winner of the Presidential Election held on February 25th, 2023.

I still hold that belief to be self-evident that the Tribunal or the Supreme Court is going to rule in favor of Tinubu.

You all can write it down.

I rest my case.

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