Hardship: Nigerians urged to reach out to less privileged neighbours


Well-meaning individuals in the country have been urged to reach out to the less privileged to help cushion the effect of the current economic hardship in the country.

The Senior Special Assistance to Governor Biodun Oyebanji on Tax and Revenue Matters, Ayodeji Adarabierin who gave the advice said politicians, especially, ought to extend hands of fellowship to their constituents whether they are seeking votes or not.

The former House of Assembly aspirant for Ado Constituency 1 said “I want to enjoin well-to-do individuals especially my political associates that they should not wait until the election period before they start reaching out to members of their constituencies.

“I believe giving must not be sectionalized and must not be seasonal, it must be continuous if you say you love your people at every point in time, you must reach out to them in your own little way, it doesn’t matter the quantity of what you are giving to them but the act of doing so, and that is what encourages me to give my own widow’s mite.

“I also want to enjoin our Muslim brothers and sisters as well as our Christian brethren to use this Ramadan and Lenten season to pray for the administration of Governor Biodun Oyebanji, he is doing well everyone can attest to that, his administration has brought light to the state, which we are all enjoying and I believe with their prayers he will continue to do well the more, so I want to appeal to them to use this Ramadan period to keep praying for him.”


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