Federal Minister of Health Speaks on How to get rid of ” Incurable Diseases” and High Blood Pressure


Dr. Muhammad Ali Pate is a Nigerian physician and politician who is the current minister of health and social welfare of Nigeria since 2023. He is also a professor of the Practice of Public Health Leadership in the Department of Global Health and Population at Harvard University.

Dr. Muhammad Ali Pate rarely gives interviews, instead devoting more time to his patients. However, our channel representative got lucky – the famous doctor agreed to answer a few questions of patients who lack the ability to come to his clinic personally.

Dr. Muhammad Ali Pate IS SURE THAT ABSOLUTELY ANYONE CAN CLEANSE THEIR VESSELS ON THEIR OWN AND THEREFORE IMPROVE THEIR HEALTH AND WELL-BEING. Cleansing a person’s blood vessels helps get rid of blood pressure spikes and cure 9 chronic diseases.

Below the doctor talks about how you can cleanse your vessels. In addition, this article covers the following topics:

It’s possible to live up to 120 years without pills!How come contaminated blood vessels lead to chronic incurable diseases?
Hidden and obvious signs of contaminated vessels


Contaminated vessels are a dangerous killer!
Dr. Muhammad Ali Pate:
– I’m here to tell you something that I hope will change the minds of your readers!

CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASES are the leading cause of death. And the main reason why the vessels are so clustered up is CHOLESTEROL. Cholesterol is the most dangerous substance in the world. It kills more people than alcohol, nicotine and drugs combined.

In 94% of cases when a person dies before reaching 80, the cause of death is almost 100% cholesterol.

There’s no way to avoid blood vessel contamination! Cholesterol accumulates in the vessels of every person out there. Clogged vessels are also responsible to exceedingly rapid aging.

CHOLESTEROL IS WHAT TRIGGERS AN AGING CHAIN REACTION IN THE BODY. Clogged vessels are the reason behind a person’s lifespan being shortened.

Instead of living up to 120 years (the age the body’s organs are designed to last until), some people die before they even reach 70! Especially people who have been suffering from age-related hypertension since they were 40-50. This, by the way, is one of the most obvious symptoms of vascular contamination.

Cholesterol isn’t the only issue – these substances also pollute your blood vessels!

Cholesterol isn’t even the worst of it. There are other substances that
accumulate in a person’s vessels

Thrombotic masses

While cholesterol resembles fat, thrombotic masses resemble cottage cheese. Blood clots form on the inner walls of blood vessels. These blood clots are even more dangerous than cholesterol. A BLOOD CLOT CAN DISLOCATE FROM THE WALL OF THE VESSEL AT ANY TIME AND MAKE ITS WAY TO EITHER THE HEART OR THE BRAIN, TRIGGERING A HEART ATTACK OR STROKE. Both are fatal or leave the person disabled, if they manage to survive.

The older the person, the higher the risk of a blood clot breaking off. This is why older people so often die of strokes or heart attacks.

Calcium crystals

These are salts of heavy metals, mercury and various chemicals that have been accumulating in your body over the course of a person’s life. For example, if a person works at a hazardous production facility, then significant deposits of harmful elements will reside within them. Given today’s environmental situation, calcium accumulates in all of us. These substances have already been proven to lead to CANCER. More specifically, they contribute to abnormal cell division, which in turn leads to actual cancer.

Nearly 98% of all cancer patients that die have high levels of crystal deposits in their bloodstream. It’s no secret that mercury is dangerous. Well these calcium crystal deposits make even the blood itself toxic

Your blood pressure.

All you need to do clean your vessels. Even if the high blood pressure does not disappear entirely (this also happens sometimes), you will still feel much better.
Unfortunately, corrupted doctors and pharmaceutical networks are doing everything in their power to hide this simple vessel cleaning method. They’d much rather people undergo long-term treatment and spend lots of money on it. After all, the longer a person is sick, the more money they spend on medicine. While vessel cleaning is simple, cheap, and gets people back on their feet quickly.

Nigeria senior cured of hypertension after getting her blood vessels cleaned. And there are many others…

I’d like to show you the letter of Eucharia Oluchi Nwaichi, an Nigeria senior. Doctors at the local clinic said she didn’t have much time left. But her family refused to give up on her. Eucharia couldn’t visit us in person. Her daughter called our clinic and asked for help. But there’s no way I could diagnose her with anything remotely. So we just recommended she have her vessels cleaned.

3 months later the woman contacted us herself! I want to show you her letter.

person’s condition.

Here’s what Normatone does to your body during and several months after you undergo vascular cleansing.

Cleanses and heals blood vessels

Thanks to the “active oxygen molecules”, Normatone dissolves cholesterol, blood clots and calcium deposits. Additionally, thanks to the Ginkgo Biloba extract, the drug increases vascular tone and gives the vessels the elasticity they require. Studies claim that a 30-day course makes the vessels as clean and elastic as they were when the person was 25-30. Even the tiniest of capillaries get restored. This, in turn, eliminates pressure spike, fatigue, drowsiness and disease in general. In addition, you have much more strength and energy.

Restores internal organs and joints

As soon as you clean your blood vessels, your other organs will start to heal as well, all thanks to a process called cell regeneration. Many diseases dissapear as a result. For example, any pancreas or spleen pains you might have had will be gone. Cleaning the vessels also often helps with something like stomach or duodenal ulcers. The joints are another part of you that recover. No more crunching and cracking. They become noticeably more flexible. No more joint pain even in bad weather.

Burns excess fat

If hypertension patients also suffer from excess weight, their condition becomes 4-5 times tougher. The more extra weight, the higher the load on the person’s vessels, heart and joints. Clogged vessels are actually often the reason behind the excess weight, since the body is unable to remove all the glucose from the blood as it should. Once you clean your vessels, your weight will start to go down on it own. Moreover, Normatone contains bee venom extract, which accelerates fat burning processes. On average, a person loses 8-12 kg a month after cleansing their vessels.

Restores eyesight and memory

Normatone contains a young larch cones extract, which is able to restore the microvessels of the fundus. This gradually restores a person’s eyesight. Many people manage to once again see bus numbers from far away, they can even thread a needle. The eye vessels recover completely. Your vision is always sharp as long as you have clean vessels! All ophthalmologists know this.

Restores male potency

One of the surprising effects of vascular cleansing is that men are able to produce testosterone again. Prostatitis, as well as prostate adenoma, disappear. And it also enhances male potency. So if you’re under 70, you can have sex again.

You will feel calm and relaxed again. You won’t constantly get sick, letting you focus on other things. When nothing hurts, familiar things, sounds, smells play out in new, long-forgotten colors.


Perfect eyesight

Even severely damaged vision will begin to gradually recover. Things that were cloudy before will now become clear. You’ll once again be able to see the bus number from far away or admire the beauty of nature.

And most importantly, YOU CAN NOW LIVE WITHOUT PILLS. Forget about blood pressure drugs like a bad dream. This will be a thing of the past for you since your pressure will stop spiking!

Normatone shortage in Nigeria pharmacies!
As far as we know, it is extremely difficult to buy Normatone in pharmacies. This drug is rarely available. Is this true? In this light, what advice would you give to Nigerian citizens?

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