Dollar to Naira black market exchange rate today is between ₦980 and ₦1000 with an average of ₦992.00 on 26/09/2023 in Nigeria, according to 3 sell rates extracted from the comments coming from our users.
When we check the last 7 days, between 18/09/2023 and 25/09/2023, we see that Dollar to Naira black market rate had values between ₦137.7 and ₦998 with the average ₦942.99. When we compare last week’s numbers with today’s (26/09/2023) rate, the average of Dollar to Naira rate saw a 49.01 points increase from ₦942.99 to ₦992.00 which equals to a 5.2% rise.
Dollar to Naira black market exchange rate today is between ₦980 and ₦990 with an average of ₦985.00 on 26/09/2023 in Nigeria, according to 3 buy rates extracted from the comments coming from our users.
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