Deposed Emir, Ado Bayero Moves Residence to Nassarawa LG


Deposed Emir of Kano, Aminu Bayero, has taken up residence in a palace in Nassarawa Local Government Area, following his return to the city in the early hours of Saturday.

Upon his arrival, Bayero received a hero’s welcome from a large crowd of supporters.

However, this was short-lived, as Kano Governor Abba Yusuf promptly ordered his arrest.

Interestingly, a group of soldiers who had previously provided protection for Bayero before his dethronement, accompanied him from the airport to the palace.

He moved into the mini-palace in Nassarawa to douse tension among supporters of the two emirs pending court ruling.


This move has raised questions about the current situation and the role of the military in the unfolding events.

Bayero was replaced as Emir by Muhammadu Sanusi on Friday. However court ordered that the reinstatement should be put on hold while the status quo remained pending court’s ruling on the suit.

It will be recalled that Sanusi was deposed in 2020 after falling out with Abdullahi Ganduje, then governor of the state.

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