Democrats Should Rally Round Biden who is Thousand Times Better and More Electable than Trump By Wumi Akintide


Among celebrities and political Heavyweights in the Democratic Party who want Joe Biden to stay the course are Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi and Akeem Jeffries, the future Speaker of the House and the current and distinguished Vice President Kamala Harris to just mention a few.

Other distinguished Americans include Jim Vandehei,
Homeland Security Secretary, Mr. Johnson, a product of Emory College in Atlanta and distinguished Governor Whitman of Michigan, Congressman James Clairborn of South Carolina, the great Rev Al Sharpton, Joe and Micah Scarborough and majority of their panelists of Morning Joe including highly respected Eugene Robinson, and 4 or 5 distinguished Presidential Historians including Professor Snyder of Yale, Professor Jon Meacham, the great Michael Beschloss, distinguished Doris Goodwin and Professor Allan Lichtman and First Lady Dr. Gill Biden and the Biden Family are all standing with Biden and rightly so.

I could care less what the opinion polls are currently telling us. Opinion polls are based on Probability Theory in Statistics. They are only snippets of the moment as brilliantly analyzed and concluded by Professor Lichtman and they really mean very little to nothing when the push comes to shove. They can easily change at any time but they have been wrong a few times as well.

Polls also can be manipulated too because they are garbage in, garbage out. Their reliability more often than not depends on sampling error and the size of the sampling and the integrity of those randomly sampled.

If good performance in the debate and sheer eloquence alone are the main yardsticks for victory in most elections Walter Mondale, Mario Cuomo, John Kerry would have been elected President.


The Civil Rights and Voting Rights Act would never have been passed into Law in America,, if President Lyndon Baines Johnson had listened to those naysayers advising him not to touch the pivotal legislations with a 10 foot pole in 1964.

Those advising Biden to drop out of the race because of his 45 minute poor performance in the debate are not bed wetters as some of them have been described but they are decidedly wrong because if they truly know Joe Biden and his antecedents and strength as a patriot and as a human being who has seen adversity in his own life and has overcome them all thru his own perseverance and tenacity of purpose and thru faith in himself and the country and his own Destiny. Biden ran for President 2 times when he was much younger but he did not get elected till he turned 77 and against all odds by becoming the first American to defeat Donald Trump in a landslide even though the outlaw had refused to agree to a peaceful transfer of power for the first time in America History by personally leading a coup to topple his own Government and to kill his own Vice President and the Speaker of the House.

Come on, people. In any other country Donald Trump as Commander-in-Chief would have been court-martialed and summarily executed and not become a nominee for President again after all of those crimes.

Biden should stay the course and a better Old Age Management Team would be immediately deployed to the White House to help manage his time and schedule and to delegate more responsibilities to Kamala Harris in the next 4 years while the President would be given more time to rest and to tackle some of the big presidential responsibilities he needs to carry out by himself as President.

He should as a matter of urgency do some unscripted appearances like a townhall and hold few Press Conferences or interviews like the one scheduled on Friday by ABC to assure all of us he is surely up to the task and to blunt some of the justifiable criticisms being made against him. Americans should trust Biden’s integrity and judgment to make the right decision.

He is the only one right now who has beaten Donald Trump the existential threat to Democracy before, and will do it again even by a wider margin than before. We should all take a deep breath and rest assured that Biden is still up to the task.

We should also like to hear from his medical doctor or primary physician as to his medical condition as an 81 year old man as additional precaution

Voters are very sympathetic to Biden and they have not lost faith in him like some of the nay sayers are insinuating or suggesting. That we are having this conversation show how much Biden is respected and trusted in America as the only candidate who can save Democracy from going under water in the greatest country in the Universe and the leader of the Free World.

If the moment ever comes that Biden feels he cannot continue, Americans trust him enough to make that judgment and to bow out of the race at the nick of time.

Biden is an honest citizen and he is very patriotic unlike the outlaw he is currently running against who should long have been disqualified from ever again running for any office in America

Some of us are in the same age bracket with Biden and Trump. I, for one, have some idea as a Clinician about what must have happened to Biden in that unfortunate moment when he momentarily stumbled and could not complete his sentence and Donald Trump rather than showing some kindness or human feeling to an opponent in some distress simply took undue advantage of of him telling the audience he did not understand what the President of the United States was talking about.

Mr. Trump had continued to tell some bogus lies and some Cock and Bull stories on that Podium. We all must not compare Biden to God Almighty but to the terribly flawed character he is currently running against.

The only explanation I could surmise as an onlooker is that President Biden had overworked himself and he has stressed himself out the previous 4 weeks before the debate and he arguably had an information overload and a transient memory loss or meltdown by trying to remember some data and statistics fed to him during his painstaking preparation for the Debate at his Camp David Resort not too far away from the nation’s Capital.

Joe Biden had arguably suffered a momentary burnout or freak out which can happen to anyone in his age bracket including Donald Trump himself who is only 3 years younger than Biden.

If Mr. Biden was looking frail and weak than his actual calendar age would have suggested on that podium, I can understand why and Americans should understand that.

That is not a reason good enough to ridicule Mr. Biden or to urge him to withdraw from the race as some have suggested including Mr. Trump. That was a bridge too far and an overkill in my own opinion.

Donald Trump the heartless con artist and empty barrel and convicted felon simply took undue advantage of Biden by telling lies upon lies for all of his own 45 minutes on that podium.

Yes, Biden did not perform up to par in the first debate and so what?

We should not judge or rubbish Biden’s long career by his bad performance in that debate. There is always another day for him to prove his mettle.

Those writing Biden’s obituary so soon are decidedly wrong.

Biden is going nowhere. He and Kamala Harris are our nominees and they are going to beat Donald Trump and his running mate in a landslide in November regardless of what the polls may be showing today.

The Republican 6 to 3 majority in the Supreme Court has made matters worse by bending over backwards to favor Donald Trump by ending the Status Quo of the Constitution and the Rule of Law by their ruling which they want to backdate to take effect from the 4 years of Trump in the White House even though the ruling was made on July 1st and ought not to be backdated for all of the reasons I have fully explained in my article before this one.

Kamala Harris would be ready to be President not right now but after she must have served her 8 years as Vice President to the most successful President of this era- the one and only Joe Biden of the Commonwealth of Delaware.

I rest my case.

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