Commitment Drives Passion. By Adunke Olatunji


Commitment is the total attention and concentration of mind with other resources to a course believed to lead to an end. It is a situation where one is fully focused and channels all energies to bring the best out of an informed case. When a goal is set, efforts are made to achieve results by devising ways that will engender the possibility. In that manner, all that is needed to bring out the best will be explored. The mind plays a vital role in this aspect because the totality of man – spirit, soul, and body will be engaged for the best result. It is a welcome development to marry this with what an individual falls in love with.

When commitment is combined with passion, a dream becomes reality.

The fertile mind of man works in ways to see and connect for possibilities to fulfill a purpose.

For a worthy course, a full concentration is required to take it to fruition. Though it takes time with consistent efforts and the ability to make an impactful living, the vision will be realized. Vision explains the practicability of a future passionately molding into reality. The more efforts are intensified the closer to manifestation. Interestingly, a good and productive visionary has a high rate of probable outcomes. When the vision is clear and achievable, the tendency to accomplish it is sure.

Commitment Involves direct and self-service to the course one believes in. Other people who do not buy into the dream might not be able to contribute towards the winning strategies. Delegation of some tasks may not help in the short and medium term. Therefore, it is advisable to get fully involved while the supporters or those who believe in the project follow.


It is imperative to state that the magnitude of your achievements is directly proportional to commitment while your passion should not be taken for granted.

Adunke Olatunji

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