Chidinma Modupe Okafor Breaks World Record with 72-Hour Crocheting Marathon


Chidinma Modupe Okafor has more than doubled the world record for the longest crocheting marathon with a time of 72 hours. During the marathon, she created a white dinner gown and broke the previous record of 34 hr 7 min set by Alessandra Hayden (USA) in 2021.

Chidinma, who has been crocheting since childhood, described her attempt as driven by a lifelong passion for the craft and a desire to push her physical and mental boundaries. “I aim to showcase the artistry and perseverance involved in this craft and promote awareness about crocheting and its benefits,” she said.

Crocheting involves creating textiles or clothing by using a hook to interlock loops of yarn or wool. To set the new record, Chidinma had to crochet non-stop, transitioning seamlessly from one ball of yarn to the next. As per the rules, she was allowed a total of two hours of rest per day, which she used for eating, sleeping, and other necessities.


“My preparation for the record attempt involved rigorous training and mental conditioning,” Chidinma revealed. “It also required physical endurance and strategizing to maintain a consistent pace while minimizing fatigue. Additionally, logistics such as arranging for sufficient yarn with support staff were crucial for the uninterrupted progress of the attempt.”

Initially aiming to crochet a wedding gown, Chidinma adapted her goal to a dinner gown as fatigue set in. She drew inspiration from Hilda Baci, who last year set the record for the world’s longest cooking marathon.

Chidinma’s achievement follows a trend of Nigerians breaking world records, joining the ranks of Helen Williams (longest wig and widest wig), Ewa Cole (longest marathon singing Christmas songs), Clara Chizoba Kronborg (longest interviewing marathon), and Tonye Solomon (most steps climbed on a ladder while balancing a football on the head).

Photo Credit: Guinness World Records

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