ACNNTV @10: A Significant Milestone, a Testament of God’s Faithfulness- Primate Ndukuba ( Full Speech)



….The Station for now, transmits through Free to Air Digital HD decoder, reaching as many as three continents (Africa, Asia & Europe) over 70 Countries of the world.

…..Has over 4 Million viewership reaching  households across the world and faithfully pursuing its vision of building a television channel that is focused on the mandate of our Lord Jesus Christ, rooted in Biblical authority and spiritual dynamism of the Anglican Communion

…..It has diverse array of programming, that  sought to educate, entertain, and, most importantly, edify its viewers.

….Its news coverage has gone beyond just reporting facts; it has sought to bring forth stories of hope, resilience, and acts of kindness that often go unnoticed.

….Its talk shows, documentaries, and interviews have tackled some of society’s most pressing issues, aiming to promote understanding, bridge divides, and inspire discourse that is leading to meaningful change in individual lives, communities, and the nation at large.


….ACNN is not just a Television station but a strategic player in digital platforms and social media. ACNN is no doubt a God’s Kingdom expansion Tool in this generation.ACNN as a God’s Kingdom tool serves as a platform to reach a wider audience, both within and outside of Nigeria,

…Through ACNN, the Anglican Church shares Bible Based Messages, Evangelical Teachings, and other Christian content to inspire and educate believers.

….Every Nigerian Anglican must take ownership of ACNN by acquiring its decoder in Parishes, Guest Houses, Homes, Offices, Business Premises and telling people about it at every opportunity.



Protocol: The Dean CON, Our Archbishops, and Bishops, the former Chairman of ACNN Sir Folu Olamiti, Current Chairman Bishop Chidi Oparaojiaku, and members of the ACNN Management Board, the Anniversary Planning Committee led by RAdm. Segun Adebari, Esteem Guests and beloved members of staff of ACNN. Congratulations and Happy 10th Anniversary in Jesus’ Name.

Introduction:On behalf of all our Archbishops and Bishops, we welcome you, our Eminent Anglicans, and guests here present. We give thanks to God, the Owner, and Builder of His Church, for His mercies that have sustained us as His People despite all the challenges facing the Church and the world. We especially thank God for the Anglican Cable Network Nigeria (ACNN) for these 10 years of its existence.  David, after his humongous donation towards the work of the Temple in 1 Chronicles 29:11-14 declares in gratitude, “Blessed be thou, Lord God of Israel our father, forever and ever. Thine, O Lord is the greatness, and the power, and the glory, and the victory, and the majesty: for all that is in the heaven and in the earth is thine; thine is the kingdom, O Lord, and thou art exalted as head above all.  Both riches and honour come of thee, and thou reignest over all; and in thine hand is power and might; and in thine hand it is to make great, and to give strength unto all.

Now therefore, our God, we thank thee, and praise thy glorious name.”Like King David, we give immense thanks to God almighty on this auspicious occasion, as we gather together to celebrate the 10th anniversary of ACNN Television, our own Church of Nigeria (Anglican Communion) Media outfit. This is a significant milestone, a testament of God’s faithfulness and the unwavering dedication of everyone involved in this cable network.

We thank God for using our father, Archbishop Nicholas Okoh the former Primate of our Church to establish this vision through the support of our Archbishops, Bishops, and eminent members of our Church. Worth mentioning is our Sister Dr. Mrs. Folorunsho Alakija and many others for their generous support.  Advent Cable Network Nigeria is the Media and Televangelism of the Church of Nigeria (Anglican Communion) established in the year 2013 with a focus to keep the orthodox faith alive through the development of inspiring and life-changing broadcast products. The Station for now, transmits through Free to Air Digital HD decoder, reaching as many as three continents (Africa, Asia & Europe) over 70 Countries of the world, and reaching over 4 Million households across the world. It has faithfully pursued its vision of building a television channel that is focused on the mandate of our Lord Jesus Christ, rooted in Biblical authority and spiritual dynamism of the Anglican Communion.

As we commemorate this anniversary, we are reminded of the power of media and its ability to shape our lives, our communities, and even our nations. Media, when used with integrity and purpose, has the potential to be a force for Kingdom expansion, spreading the eternal truth of God’s word, fostering understanding, and inspiring positive change.

ACNN Television has been a shining example of how media, particularly Christian media, can champion a godly and transformational vision. Over the past decade, this network has embraced its mission to provide programmes that aligns with the values and teachings of our orthodox Anglican faith and heritage. It has become a platform for truth, hope, and inspiration to countless viewers across the nation.In a world where sensationalism, division, and negativity often dominate the airwaves, ACNN has stood firm in its commitment to bring a godly perspective. It has consistently upheld the principles of love, compassion, justice, and forgiveness, family life, and the Gospel as exemplified by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Through its diverse array of programming, ACNN has sought to educate, entertain, and, most importantly, edify its viewers. Its news coverage has gone beyond just reporting facts; it has sought to bring forth stories of hope, resilience, and acts of kindness that often go unnoticed. Its talk shows, documentaries, and interviews have tackled some of society’s most pressing issues, aiming to promote understanding, bridge divides, and inspire discourse that can lead to meaningful change in individual lives, communities, and the nation at large.

Our Anniversary theme, “The Role of Media in the Propagation of the Gospel: ACNN as a Tool.” Media outfit is like the conscience of a society and a proven instrument in changing the value system of a society either for good or evil, depending on the person in control of it. The Media is one of the seven mountains of societal influence.

As we celebrate what God did for us in the establishment of ACNN 10years ago, the Word of God to us is found in Jude 3. We must understand the necessity and urgency of defending the Faith in a world that is fiercely opposing the cause of the Gospel of Christ and the Church, with an alarming prevalence of heretical teachings. Indeed we are in the last days, and as Jude puts it in verse 3 of the Book of Jude we must earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints.  “ Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints.”The message of Jude is vital for the twenty-first century. Error is rampant in our churches and in the society propagated through the media.. Truth must be proclaimed and defended. This was Jude’s burden and it must become ours too. This implies deliberate and determined effort to get the Word of God, sound apostolic doctrine, and Orthodox Faith out to the perishing World. Another way to put it is “earnestly fight,” depicting hand-to-hand combat like a Roman soldier engaged with an enemy. One who does not stand his ground will be defeated. We must continue to stand our ground for the Truth as a Church and as individuals, even if it cost us our life.

The Bible we have today was preserved at the expense of many Martyr’s blood. The popular hymn “Ancient Words” by Barbara Lynn DeShazo at stanza four put it thus, Martyr’s Blood Stains Each Page… They Have Died For This Faith Hear Them Cry Through The Years Heed These Words And Hold Them Dear Doctrinal error must always be taken seriously and refuted in the church and by the church. Satan’s strategy is to counterfeit the true faith, this is a factt that is clearly understood both biblically and historically, and the only way to defeat the devil is to proactively engage in missions, discipleship and the preaching of sound doctrine especially through the media.

This is where ACNN comes in, to contend for the faith in publishing and broadcast the true Word of God. Psalm 68:11” The Lord gave the word: great was the company of those that published it”. God gives the word! But it is not God who is going to publish the word. We have to know where we come in as a church as far as the publishing of the word of God is concerned.Historically, media has been used as a catalyst in promoting great revival meetings and movement and we have also witnessed its use in religious radicalization and in cruel propaganda like that of Adolf Hitler Nazi agenda in the 1930s.

The Media in the hand of God’s people, is in no doubt a mighty veritable kingdom instrument.One of the fundamental roles of media is to provide information to the public. Media can be a powerful tool for educating the public on various issues, including social, political, scientific, and cultural topics. It raises awareness on important issues and provide in-depth analysis and context to help people understand complex subjects. Another significant role of media is to entertain providing enjoyment, exitement and relaxation.The role of media in the propagation of the Gospel is indeed significant, and Advent Cable Network Nigeria (ACNN) as a media outfit is a valuable tool in this regard. ACNN is not just a Television station but a strategic player in digital platforms and social media. ACNN is no doubt a God’s Kingdom expansion Tool in this generation.ACNN as a God’s Kingdom tool serves as a platform to reach a wider audience, both within and outside of Nigeria, with the message of the Gospel, even in the hard-to-reach areas.

Through ACNN, the Anglican Church shares Bible Based Messages, Evangelical Teachings, and other Christian content to inspire and educate believers. It provides an opportunity to connect with individuals who may not have access to physical church buildings or who are unable to attend services regularly.

ACNN bridge geographical barriers and bring the Gospel to people in remote areas or those facing mobility challenges. The COVID-19 pandemic period is a good example.ACNN plays a crucial role in evangelism by showcasing testimonies, stories of transformed lives, and sharing the good news of Jesus Christ.

It serves as a means of spreading hope, encouragement, and faith to those who may be seeking spiritual guidance.ACNN has projected the power of the Word of God in the media space. It has not only shown the relevance of the Bible in this postmodern 21st Century but has affirmed the Word of God as the panacea for the decadence and corruption in society. The relevance of the Bible and the role of the Church in relation to the Media in the 21st century is an important crusade being carried out by ACNN since its inception.

This is being done through its various programmes, activities and platforms which include the following:Digital Media: With the advent of the internet and digital media, the Bible has become more accessible than ever before. Numerous websites and apps provide various translations of the Bible, along with additional study resources, audio versions, and interactive features. ACNN has promoted digital Media utilization through its daily devotional programmes like the Daily Fountain Broadcast.Social Media: ACNN through Social media platforms like Facebook etc. has played a significant role in the dissemination of biblical content.

ACNN uses platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to share Bible verses, devotionals, Bible Hashtags and other religious content. Apps and E-readers: The development of smartphone-compatible ACNN apps specifically designed for streaming its programs, reading, and studying the Bible has made it more convenient for people to engage with the scriptures. The success of ACNN Television is not only measured by the number of viewers it reaches but also by the impact it has had on individual lives.

We have heard countless stories of people who have been encouraged, and challenged by ACNN programmes. The strong emphasis on Spirituality and prayer warfare has made it a beacon of light and a source of inspiration for many who are going through dark moment and adversity in life. As we look to the future, let us be reminded that with great investment and empowerment comes corresponding great responsibility and expectation.

ACNN Television House has a unique opportunity to continue championing a godly and transformational vision in the years to come. We must remain steadfast in our commitment to truth, integrity, and compassion, and be willing to tackle the tough issues of our time with grace and humility.

Let me use this opportunity to appeal to you, to partner with us in repositioning ACNNTV for greater exploits in years to come, this is the time to plan and sow for the next 10 years. The following needs have been itemize for your consideration:  – Adequate patronage from Individuals, Churches, and Dioceses to make ACNNTV self-sustaining.

This will help its growth in the future, especially in this era of media and technology revolution. – Support to set up its regional offices for ease and proximity to Dioceses and improved accessibility.-

Every Nigerian Anglican must take ownership of ACNN by acquiring its decoder in Parishes, Guest Houses, Homes, Offices, Business Premises and telling people about it at every opportunity.

We encourage everyone, whether as part of the ACNN family or a loyal viewer, to keep supporting this outfit and its mission. Together, we can ensure that ACNN remains a voice of hope, a catalyst for change, and a source of inspiration for generations to come.

In Conclusion, We thank you all for your sacrificial labor in the Lord, especially in this Church of Nigeria (Anglican Communion) media missions. May the Lord bless and prosper the work of your hands. May God’s blessings be upon ACNN Television as it continues its journey, touching hearts, transforming lives, and bringing glory to God in Jesus Christ’s name. Thank you and the Lord be with you.The Most Rev’d Dr. Henry C. Ndukuba Archbishop, Metropolitan and Primate of All Nigeria.

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