Who says America is not ready to elect its first female Presiden


Let me briefly address with this short article the issue of any American voters, male or female, who still ignorantly argue that America is not ready for a female President at this time and age?

Such American voters are are living in a Fool’s Paradise and taking America back from the 21st to the 18th Century, I might add.

America the best Experiment in Human History and the Leader of the Free World is not retrogressive. America is not going back but moving forward

The tiny State of Israel established in 1948 and surrounded by hostile Arab and Muslim neighbors who outnumber the Israelis by 1 to 50 in population, did not hesitate to elect Golda Meir as Prime Minister after Ben Gurion few short years after the man was elected the first Israeli Prime Minister.

Golda Meir had prosecuted the Yom Kippur War in 1973 to earn her reputation as “Iron Lady” and one of the greatest political leaders of Israel.


The largest Democratic Country in the World, India, a former British Colony which got her independence from Great Britain in 1948 also elected the great Pandit Kneru as her first Prime Minister and in very short order had elected its first female Prime Minister in Indira Ghandi, a product of Cambridge University.

Even Great Britain where the Mother of Parliament is located not only coronated Queen Victoria who had led the country for 63 years without a break.

In less than few decades later, the same UK had coronated Queen Elizabeth the Second who became the longest serving monarch of Great Britain for 70 amazing years.

During her awesome reign, the UK had elected 2 female Prime Ministers in Margaret Thatcher and Theresa May.

Pakistan which broke away from India had elected its first female Prime Minister in Benazir Bhutto a product of London University and Oxford and even tiny Liberia in West Africa had also elected its first female President in Sirleaf Johnson a product of Harvard University and the former Permanent Representative of Liberia to the UN.

Come on. Give me a break. Any American voter, male or female who still thinks America is not ready to elect its first female President wants to take America back to the Stone Age and America is not going back as repeatedly emphasized by Kamala Harris and Tim Walz.

When I think of female American Heroines like Sally Ride one of the American Astronauts or Oprah Winfrey, or Maya Angelou American Presidential Poet or Shirley Chisholm, or Senator Duckworth of Illinois, the American Helicopter Pilot, an amputee who fought in the Iraq War and who lost both legs in combat but still survived to lead a productive life as the distinguished Senator from Illinois not to talk of Music idols and celebrities like Taylor Swift, Beyonce, and several others that time will not permit me to mention in this write- up, those who are still saying that Donald Trump a convicted felon at 78 going to 79 is still better than Kamala Harris, are all suffering from selective Amnesia or the early symptoms of Dementia and Parkinson or Alzheimer.

Donald Trump is not in any shape or form superior to a vibrant and a raizor blade sharp Public Prosecutor in Kamala Harris who has served as an Attorney General of the largest State of America and as a U.S. Senator and and a US Vice President for 4 years before throwing her hat to the Ring to compete and become President.

Kamala is not in any way or shape inferior to a lunatic who got lucky to become President by fluke and sheer accident in 2016 and did not have any cognate experience to be President before that time.

Are those people serious or delusional? I think they are both.

Kamala Harris is by far more ready and qualified to be President than Donald Trump the psychopath and pathological liar who says he wants to be a Dictator from Day One and who want to deport 15 to 20 million Americans within his first 100 days. The knee jerk Idi Amin Dada has just told you why he is going no where but down in this election.

The immigrants have become the live wire and the spinal cord of America. You instantly put the American Economy in serious jeopardy if you deport 15 million of them in a split second like the sociopath is promising. It is a decision he would never get to keep because he is never going to be President again. You are hearing from me with the credibility and precision of a Nostradamus or my grandfather the 41st Deji of Akure Erinlakatabu Oba Afunbiowo Adesida the First who predicted that Queen Elizabeth the Second was going to shatter the British record for longevity on the throne because she was going to become the “White Carmeleon” on the British throne, and she did.

Queen Elizabeth became Queen at 26, got the prediction from my grandfather at 29 and she sure became the longest reigning Monarch not only in Britain but arguably in the whole world with her 70 epoch making years on the throne.

If you are among such retrogressive and delusional American voters who believe it is not yet time for a female President in America, you are simply out of your mind and you are on a mission to lead America back to the Stone Age.

America is not going back. You all can go if that is where you want to go, but America is not going there with you because America has better things to do with her time. America is not going back!!!!!!!

Kamala Harris is the next President of the United States

It is a foregone conclusion. All we just need to do is simply make sure that the turnout in this election is huge and robust in all of the 7 Battleground states as the mail-in votes nationwide is already suggesting.

The Democrats need to deploy many more Cyber Security Experts to monitor what his KGB Agents helping Trump are doing to muddy the waters for Kamala behind closed doors to truncate the Election and to cause anarchy if it becomes clear to him he is on a losing streak and is not going to make it, and because he knows he would be going to jail for many of the crimes he has committed and which are now coming out.

If the voters keep that momentum up on November 5 to put Kamala Harris in the White House with the highest number of votes ever received by any candidate, dead or alive in America. That is my prediction. I am not a Professor Houdini American greatest magician or Professor Moshood Peller Nigeria’s greatest magician trained and certified in India.

Kamala Harris is unstoppable despite all of the dirty tricks and threat of violence and mayhem by Donald Trump to lead another Coup in America because he has miraculously survived his first Coup on January 6, 2020 in a country supposedly governed by the Rule of Law.

I rest my case.

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