TODAY’S TONIC: There is a universal longing in all of us for purpose: By Bishop Duke Akamisoko


There is a universal longing in all of us for purpose: We want our lives to have meaning. We want to leave a legacy, make a name for ourselves, and leave a lasting imprint on the world.

While we each impact the people we love long after we’ve passed away, considering our legacy is a way to make mindful decisions during our time here on Earth. Our lives are unique and precious, and our legacies reflect the love we shared and the positive impact we aim to leave behind.
What you leave as a legacy is not what is etched in stone monuments, but what is woven into the lives of others.. Your legacy on this planet when you leave is how many hearts you touched. Immortality is living your life doing good things, and leaving your mark behind.
what a legacy truly is.

Some may regard a legacy in terms of what is tangible, such as money or property left behind to loved ones after someone dies. To others, a legacy relates to influence and impact. Broadly speaking, a legacy refers to what someone leaves behind when they pass on.

The legacy that someone leaves can often be identified by what people say about their life after they’re gone. It might be summed up in accomplishments or in the way they made others feel. Our legacy is how we will be remembered by our loved ones. Many of us aim to live our lives so that when we are gone, people will celebrate the ways we pursued a purposeful and positive way of life.
Anonymous: “If you don’t want to be forgotten as soon as you are dead, either write something worth reading or do something worth writing.”

Anonymous: “Even though your time here is temporary, if you do a good enough job, your work will last forever.”


William Arthur Ward: “The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires.”

Anonymous: “We all have the need and the desire to be heard, to have our ideas, wants, and emotions expressed for others to hear, to see, and to understand. We all want to matter and leave a mark. Writers take those ideas, wants, and emotions and express them so the world not only reads them but feels them as well.”
Peter Strople: “Legacy is not leaving something behind for other people. It’s leaving something behind in other people.”

Gary Vaynerchuk: “Think about your legacy because you are adding to it every day.”

Steve Saint: “Our stories are the greatest legacy we will leave to our friends. A life story longest-lasting legacy you will leave to future generations.”

Maya Angelou: “If you’re going to live, leave behind a legacy. Make an impact on the world that can never be erased.”

William James: “The greatest purpose of life is to live it for something that will last longer than you.”

Greg Plitt: “You only live once. But if you work it right, once is enough my friend.”

Shannon L. Alder: “It doesn’t really matter to me if people forget me. My life and impact weren’t about me. They were about everything I could do for someone else. When that sinks in, you start to try a little harder. Your dreams get bigger. Your heart stretches to a bigger size and you find that you can’t return to the old size and make your new heart fit. You become a person with ideas, and you seek out your own kind. And then it happens: One day you learn that staying the same is the scary part, and changing is now your new home.”

Rosa Parks: “I am leaving this legacy behind to all of you… to bring unity, equality, love, and a realization of how our lives should be. Without a vision, the people will fall, and without bravery and inspiration, dreams will die – the dream of freedom and peace.”

Tony Robbins: “It is your actions, and not your conditions, that determine your destiny.”

Robin Sharma: “The great and glorious legacy of a human being is to live with purpose.”

Tavis Smiley: “Our choices about the lives we live determine the kinds of legacies we leave.”

Myles Munroe: “Authentic leaders don’t invest in buildings. Jesus never built any building. Real leaders invest in people. Why? Because achievements without a legacy means failure. So the legacy you leave behind should not be in buildings, programs, or projects; your legacy must be in people.”

Legacy as Impact Quotes

Some can argue that a legacy is the material assets we leave behind. However, items and possessions are fleeting but the way we choose to treat others and care for them leaves a lasting imprint.

For example, Shannon L. Alder explained that legacy is more about the impact you have on people: “Carve your name on hearts, not gravestones. A legacy is written into the minds of others and the tales they share about you.”

The quotes below discuss legacy in terms of impact on people. They inspire us to be present with loved ones and to care for them above ourselves.

Ray Bradbury: “Everyone should leave something behind when he dies, my grandpa said. A child or book or painting or house or wall built or pair of shoes made…It doesn’t matter what a person does, he said, as long as you change something about the way it was before you made it into something that’s like you after you take your hands away.”

Anonymous: “The deeds you do for yourself are gone when you pass away, but the deeds you do for others remain as your legacy.”

Anonymous: “What you leave as a legacy is not what is etched in stone monuments, but what is woven into the lives of others.”

Patti Davis: “Your legacy on this planet when you leave is how many hearts you touched.”

Brandon Lee: “Immortality is living your life doing good things, and leaving your mark behind.”

Ralph Waldo Emerson: “Death comes to everyone, but great acts build a monument which shall endure until the end of time.”

Taylor Swift: “No matter what happens in your life, be kind to people. Being kind to people is a wonderful legacy to leave behind.”

Lionel Richie: “I think the whole planet is dying to hear another person say, ‘I love you.’ I think that if I can leave behind the impact and legacy of passion and love in the world, then I’ve done my job in a world that’s getting sadder by the day.”

Jim Rohn: “All good people must take responsibility to create legacies that will take the next generation to the next level.”

Ratan Tata: “Apart from ethics which I have lived by, the legacy I want to leave behind is very simple – that I always stood up for the right thing, and I have tried to be fair and equitable — as much as I could be.”

Jon Gordon: “The best impact you could leave is not some structure that is named after you or jewelry but rather a planet that has been affected and touched by your presence, joy, and positive actions.”

Art Garfunkel of the duo Simon and Garfunkel: “I think that at 19 or 20, a man is burning to be amazing at something. I was. You have vision beyond your neighborhood. You want to make an impact while you live. You don’t know your future, but you want to excel. And greatness is important.”

Thomas Kinkade: “Our most important impact will be the contributions we make to the lives of other human beings.”

David Lowery: “We build our legacies piece by piece, and maybe the world will remember you or perhaps just a few people, but you do anything you can to make sure you’re still around after you leave.”

Dara Horn: “Every person has their own legacy. You may not know what your effect on the world is, and it may not be something that you can write on your grave, but everyone has an impact on the world.”

Emeasoba George: “Whenever you add value to the lives of other people, you are leaving footprints on the sands of time that live on that lives on, even after your demise”

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