Biden’s  Draft Speech On Thursday 25 July by a long time admirer of Mr. President By Wumi Akintide



My Fellow Americans,

When I ran for this ultimate seat of Power in the World and you elected me at 77 to a job I had sought two times but did not get, I knew right there and then that the Almighty God was indirectly speaking to me to dedicate the rest of my life to serving this country with all I got and to the best of my ability.

I entered the race to honor the memory of my son, Beau who on his death bed had urged me to not give up on an ambition I had contemplated when I was much younger.

I had run for President two times without success.


Beau knew that I had already given up, but had wanted him to run for President instead, if it was meant to be.

When I got elected, I had meant to serve for only one term as a transformational President and to be a bridge to the future and the younger generation of aspirants.

I had to change my mind on that only because I saw a threat to Democracy and the values we all cherish and hold dear and our Military Alliances and Institutions like NATO and the Judiciary that have made America the Bastion of Democracy and the Leader of the Free World as the iconic best experiment in Human History.

When I picked Kamala Harris as my running mate, I did so out of conviction and out of my faith in her because I know she has what it takes to take over from me should anything happen to me.

I used all of our close to 4 years working together to observe her and to convince myself that I have made the right decision in the best interest of our country.

I initially thought I could stay on for another 4 years to complete the job I had started but it soon became clear to me that I needed to put country first above my own selfish interest and to resist the temptation of the flesh to dig in and to never give up due to the allure of the office and human temptation to put it bluntly.

I was finally persuaded that Age has taken its toll on me and that it was time to voluntarily drop out of the race by just listening to my heart and my family and the advice of the great majority of our People and Party leaders and members without whose support I would not have been elected to begin with.

In all all humility, I appreciate your love and respect and more so your faith in me to do the right thing without fear or favor but to serve with iron determination and resolution to make our good better and our better best as the greatest country on Earth.

We are the United States States of America.

Together, there is no mountain we cannot climb and there is no problem we cannot solve, if we all put our minds to it, and if we all unite and work together regardless of our Party labels and affiliation and our differences as a People.

I am grateful for your confidence in me and for your support and for your quick endorsement and support for my VP who has also announced her determination and resolve to earn the support and confidence of the pledged delegates and Party Members across the board and the whole country and never to take anything for granted.

I pledge to remain your President and to continue to work harder to earn earn your confidence for the remainder of my term and to help elect Kamala Harris with your help and support and to help salvage and preserve Democracy and the Rule of Law which have served our country so well for more than 250 years of our existence as a sovereign nation which is respected and admired all over the World for the great leadership we have provided, and for the values we represent and propagate.

God bless America and God bless our troops.

The draft was prepared and posted some 90 minutes before the Speech. Just a little prank on my part. I just momentarily put myself in the shoes of Mr. President and what I would have said, if I was drafting that speech for him.

It is an emotional speech that should make some of us shed some tears for the President and what he has been thru in life as arguably one of the most powerful men in the world but who like many of us have gone thru a lot of adversity but has survived it all by making the best of a bad situation.

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