Donald Trump is the proverbial Pot calling the kettle black Part 1 By Wumi Akintide


…...By saying that Joe Biden is too old to be President. 

78 year old Trump describing 81 year old Biden as too old to be President is like the Pot calling the kettle black.

It is like a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury signifying nothing.

Joe Biden has earned his right to be President, if we look at all of his accomplishments in office which are going to be the Part 2 to this article, if you bear with me.

Yes Joe Biden would be 86 by the time he finishes his second term. Why not if not? His state of health is all that counts for the Methuselah in my opinion.


Bresnev and Korinenko were all Octogenarian Presidents of the former Soviet Union and nobody accused them of being too old to do their job.

Joe Biden’s hypocritical critics forget that at 86, Biden would have become by far the most experienced and the most successful President in the World going by his track record in the White House I plan to itemize in my Part 2 to this article.

Joe Biden was elected a Senator at the young age of 29 as the Senator from the Commonwealth of Delaware beating a political Heavy Weight in Delaware.

He had gone on to serve for 36 years in the US Senate without a break and without being censured for any misconduct or malpractice or any ethic violation or for Corruption or any Scandal.

Just compare his record to that of the twice- impeached and 5 time’s criminally-indicted outlaw that Donald Trump has become and even a blind man can see the difference between Biden and Donald Trump.

For close to 20 years out of those 36 years in the Senate, Joe Biden had served as Chairman of the Judicial Committee and the Chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee of the Upper Chamber with honor and integrity.

Joe Biden had gone from there to serve as the Vice President of the United States under Barack Obama for 8 years without a single scandal.

He had gone from being Vice President on a hiatus for 4 years before returning to enter the race for President only to be elected President of the United States in one of the fairest and freest elections in the History of America.

Joe Biden had recorded in 2020 a landslide victory of close to 8 million votes in the popular vote and no less than 306 out of 570 of the Electors of the the Electoral College Contraption which was incorporated into the Constitution way back when the Literacy index in America was so abysmally low, that the drafters of the Constitution, in their wisdom, had thought it necessary to make sure that the job of electing a President ought not to be left to the whim and caprices of stark Illiterates who intellectually did not fully understand the import of their role in picking a President and the presumptive Leader of the Free World and the Bastion of Democracy that America has become by acclamation and consensus of the whole world,

You all should clearly see the hypocrisy of the people criticizing Biden as being too old and not because he is too sick or too senile to perform his duties.

They all completely lack the qualifications and the effrontery to make such a judgment call because they are not experts in Geriatric Medicine or Clinical Psychology. What qualifies them to make such judgment? I cannot think of one.

I question their authority or judgment to make that call first and foremost in my capacity as the grandson of the oldest Monarch in Africa whose grandfather Oba Afunbiowo Adesida, the 41st Deji of Akure was crowned the Deji after 2 failed attempts in 1882 when he was only 49 and again in 1890 when he was 57 and then again in 1897 when he was 64 years of age.

It was at a time that there was not a single Hospital or Medical Clinic in Akure, the current Ondo State Capital.

My grandfather had gone on to reign without a break for 60 years thereby becoming the oldest and the longest-serving monarch in West Africa by 1957 at the ripe age of 124.

I knew that for a fact when Her Royal Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second had made her first official visit to Nigeria in 1956, and she had specially requested Sir John Rankine, the Governor of the defunct Western Region to shake hands with my grandfather at the Agodi Government House at Ibadan. Grandpa was 123 at the time. It was roughly a year before his death in 1957.

All His Royal Majesty had requested of my grandpa was a prayer for long life on the British throne.

My grandfather had granted the Queen’s request as documented in my “Lion King and the Cubs” a biography of my grandfather published by International Publishers in 2007, and launched at the Federal University of Technology Akure on December 19 in 2007.

My grandfather had predicted with precision in 1956 that Queen Elizabeth was going to live to a ripe old age and would become the oldest reigning monarch in the History of Great Britain.

That prayer would appear to have been answered when the Queen had beaten her great great grandmother Queen Victoria who had reigned for 63 years while Queen Elizabeth had reigned for 70 years on the throne dying at 95 going to 96.

My grandfather had compared the Queen to the proverbial White Carmeleon (Ariro Funfun) which is known to live for more than a century in Yoruba Mythology.

I feel preeminently qualified to criticize those who are suggesting that Joe Biden will be too old to run for a second term.

I am the humble father of a daughter who had specialized in Geriatric Medicine from the great Ivy League University of Harvard in Massachusetts and I have learned first hand from my daughter that nothing should disqualify Joe Biden from legitimately running for re- election because his age at 81 or 82 cannot be a reason to disqualify him from running since he is in good health, and there is nothing in the Constitution to disqualify him from running.

My grandfather had died in January 1957, I believe it was and his successor my Uncle, a lawyer called to the Bar at the Middle Temple in London was picked to succeed him on October 23, 1957.

So Republicans running their mouths and saying that Joe Biden at 81 or 82 will be too old to be elected President for 4 more years are being disingenuous and hypocritical.

Joe Biden is far more healthy than 78 year old Donald Trump who is scared to death to even submit his medical record for public scrutiny.

Joe Biden would serve his 8 years as President and still live to the ripe old age of 99 or 100 just like President Jimmy Carter who is still alive and well as we speak.

In a country where the average span of life is 79 for women and 76 for Men, who are the armchair critics and the nihilist Hypocrites who keep saying that Joe Biden is too old to run for President while keeping quiet about Donald Trump who is in the same age bracket with Joe Biden.

Let both of them produce their medical records for public scrutiny and we take it from there.

It is that simple. “Ebi ni o Pa Lagbaju Ku, Imoran Eda ni” in Yoruba Parlance.

Whether we would live long or die is all in the hands of God

It is not he that is bedridden with sickness today like the Yorubas say in our wisdom that is going to be the next in line to die. “ Ki nse Eni to wa ni Idubule Aisan ni Iku kan”

Joe Biden by God’s grace is destined to complete his 8 years in the White House, as the Lord liveth.

Donald Trump has broken all the rules of Decency that Americans by unanimity have expected from anyone running for President in a Democracy.

The outlaw has refused to honor a sub poena issued by Congress and has encouraged his supporters to break the law and to resort to violence to steal an election by force.

He has refused to participate in any of the 3 debates so far and none of his fellow competitors for the job have been courageous enough to call him out on it and the News Media have also been complicit, nonchalant and intimidated to hold him accountable.

The man has been twice- impeached and 5 times indicted and no one has confronted him to resign like disciplined candidates have always done in a Democracy.

Donald Trump insults and curses out on Judges and he abuses his prosecutors to impress his supporters and to incite them to violence and lawlessness and nobody has so far called his bluff.

He has proved himself to be an outlaw and he has so far gotten away with everything.

Joe Biden is only 3 years older than Trump but Trump is the one accusing Biden of being too old. Can you believe that?

Donald Trump has turned America into a Banana Republic and we are all supposed to ignore all of his shenanigans and criminal behaviors?

I personally condemn him for all of his crimes and I call ln him to resign and drop out of the race right now..

The limited criticism of him today at the third debate which he has insultingly refused to participate in because he views all his competitors as Lilliputians running against him a giant as depictedin the famous Gullvers Travels.

It is the first time in my life I have seen a “C” average student of Wharton College of Business in Philadelphia and a draft dodger and a Mafia Boss like EL Chapo of Mexico who should have been in all of the debates to defend what qualifies him to run for President again, despite all of his abysmal record in office and the limitless litigations he is facing today to keep himself out of jail as a 78 year old former President.

I have never seen anything like this spectacle or Circus in America and I have studied here and lived in the United States for 40 years.

The last time I checked among the Liliputians running against him are Tim Scott, a product of Yale or some Ivy League University.

There is young Ron Desantis a product of Harvard and a veteran and the current Governor of Florida who is running more than 51 points behind a shameless loser.

There is a Nick Haley, once the Permanent Representatives of America to the United Nations and a former Governor of South Carolina who is running far behind the loser and should be calling out Donald Trump for all of his criminalities and shortcomings and flaws as a candidate.

There is a Chris Christie, a razor- blade sharp former prosecutor and a powerful debater and a 2 term governor of New Jersey who is being embarrassed and vilified and ridiculed by Trump for his obesity.

They were all insulted and rubbished by the artful dodger, a heartless businessman who has filed for Bankruptcy more than 6 times, has stolen Nuclear documents and materials to auction for money and is currently in a fight of his life for staging a failed Coup and for wanting to end Democracy in America and replacing it with Dictatorship.

Their bland criticism of Trump in yesterday’s debate was too little too late in my opinion. They have all been hypnotized and rendered useless, impotent and derelict.

All of them and Donald Trump don’t qualify
to be President of the United States for that reason and many more.

Section 3 of the 14th Amendment to the American Constitution could easily have done the job for them as brilliantly argued by Conservative Judge Luttig and Harvard Professor Laurence Tribe but they were all hapless Liliputians who do not deserve or qualify to be President of the United States and Leader of the Free World.

I rest my case.

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