The pathetic state of the Republican Party today in America as shown from Yesterday’s Debate in Iowa. By Wumi Akintide


I never in my wildest imagination believed the GOP would become a pathetic joke like I saw play out yesterday in a debate watched all over the world.

It was an extraordinary and surreal moment for a Party in transition and distress gasping for thin air.

It was a complete outrage that brought few tears to my eyes as most of the candidates were forced by circumstances beyond their control to admit on television screen they would still have no choice than to vote for Donald Trump even if he we’re convicted and sent to jail.

It was one statement that would come back to haunt all of them after they cross the Rubicon of their Party’s lackluster Primaries.

While the Liliputian Republicans
were debating in Iowa, their outlaw delusional top gun candidate was getting himself ready to surrender at the Fulton County Jail to be finger- printed and to have his mug shot taken as a criminal defendant and a one-term former President of the United States.


It was true that another India-born candidate Ambassador Nickey Haley and a former Governor of New Jersey Chris Christie appear to be the clear winners of yesterday’s debate, if you see what I saw, but the real winner of the debate in my own judgment was 80 year old but more sure footed, coordinated and reasonable Joe Biden who had already warned American voters more than two years before the debate not to compare him to the Almighty God but to the alternative America is going to get were he to lose in 2024.

America saw the alternative that Joe Biden was talking about yesterday in that tragic debate in one of the agrarian and rural states of America.

it was not a pretty picture to behold at all. The GOP is dying and fading away right before our very eyes because the Party no longer stands for the national security of America and a prudent management of the nation’s Economy and the defense of the American Constitution like they used to do because the monster called Donald Trump has changed all of that in his 4 years of the Locusts in the highest seat of Power in the World.

Patriots like Abe Lincoln, George Bush Senior, Robert Dole, Ronald Reagan and John McCain have now become endangered species in the Republican Party of today leaving assassins who would rather burn down the whole House, if they lose an election or cannot get their way.

Donald Trump is that kind of a leader and he is proud to be one.

First of all, their top gun who is still leading in the polls by double digits the last time I checked has already become a pathetic loser who had been twice impeached and 4 times indicted while facing a 91 count charges in many jurisdictions for leading a Coup and for stealing Nuclear secrets and other classified materials and lying about them to escape Justice.

Tomorrow in Atlanta Georgia, Americans are going to watch an American President report himself at the Fulton County jail to be fingerprinted and assigned a number as a criminal defendant in a country where nobody is above the Law.

If you commit a crime, and you get caught you pay the price to the full extent of the Law.

The day of Judgement is fast approaching for the artful dodger who knows no other way to do business than to cheat and manipulate.

The Law of Karma has caught up with him and the day of reckoning has come for Trump like I have predicted time and again.

That the debate had occurred yesterday the same day that Vladimir Putin had chosen to demonstrate to America the difference between Democracy and Dictatorship which the Republican top gun wants to impose on America if by any chance, he ever gets re-elected to the White House again which is doubtful, given what we know today.

It was a day in infamy when Putin the KGB smooth operator had chosen to pay back his Russian General who had led a failed coup against him pretty much like Donald Trump had done to America on January 6, 2021.

What has Putin done to the Coup leader?He clandestinely blew his private plane away from the sky while flying from Moscow to Petersburg in a public execution style rather than letting a few firing squad do the job for him.

Putin was indirectly telling or showing Americans what awaits us if Donald Trump were to get his wish and be re-elected despite all of the crimes he has committed against America and against Humanity.

Yesterday debate by the Republican candidates minus their top gun was to me a show of shame depicting the lethargy and the hopelessness of the GOP as a major political Party in a country once touted as the Bastion of Democracy.

Vice President Michael Pence who had saved the nation from going under water on January 6 would have been a sure winner of that debate as the candidate to beat but he had ruined his own chances by being too timid and too clever by half by going out to start defending a criminally-minded boss who had wanted him dead for refusing to carry out his illegal orders.

It was his decision to stand his ground on January 6 that had saved American Democracy because Donald Trump would have succeeded in stealing the election from Joe Biden if Michael Pence has danced to his tune or fully cooperated with him. I give him some credit for that but I hate his guts for playing hide and seek with America by saying he would still vote for the monster who had wanted him assassinated in cold blood for upholding the Constitution.

If Michael Pence was a profile in Courage as defined by JFK, he would have made himself a hero and the first American Vice President to call the bluff of his criminal boss by having the courage to resign and by calling a Press Conference to announce he could not do what his boss had wanted
him to do.

The whole nation would have been begging him to run now and he would have won in a landslide in 2024 but he was not that courageous because he was just too scared of Donald Trump, the vicious Dictator.

Chris Christie was by far the most courageous and the most logical and the most persuasive of all the candidates on that podium and so was former Governor Hutchinson of Arkansas who has decided to call a spade a spade despite his awareness that he might lose the support of the Republican Base who had already pledged or given their support to Donald Trump even when they knew he is a Mafia Boss and an unrepentant criminal.

Chris Christie had disappointed many in the audience today because he soft-pedaled today on going after Trump like he used to do and he was instead attacking a little known gadfly who is going nowhere.

Tim Scott, the only black among them has a lot of experience but he totally lacks the courage, the charisma and the oratorical talent of a Barrack Hussein Obama.

He seems to me to be running for Vice President and not for the top job.

I thought Tim Scott has irredeemably hurt himself in a general election by saying he was going to weaponize the DOJ and the FBI just to please Donald Trump and his Republican Base just like the other candidates in that debate.

They are a bunch of losers who said they would still vote for Trump even if he is convicted and sent to jail.

That simply means to me that they are ready to commit all of the crimes Trump has committed if they ever get elected.

They have all disqualified themselves by making such a senseless statement.

Nickey Haley, the only Indian among them has sounded more balanced and more rational and reasonable than everyone on that podium but Ron Desantis was a disaster given all of his positions on all of the policy issues that matter the most to American voters.

Even though Desantis had gone to Harvard and Yale, he is going nowhere but down even though he is currently running a distant second to the morally- bankrupt and criminally-derelict front runner who I strongly believe would be disqualified from running and forced to plea-bargain as a last resort because he is going to be convicted and sent to jail without any doubt in my mind.

Donald Trump has broken all the rules of decorum and decency but he is still their hero because they know he is a crook like most of them.

What is happening to the Republican Party and to Donald Trump today is beyond anything I have ever seen in Politics anywhere else in the World.

The Republicans would be humiliated and defeated in a landslide in 2024 because they are all on the wrong side of all the issues that would determine the outcome of those elections.

India Prime Minister Mordi once predicted that India leads every country in the world in the caliber of leaders of Industry that India has so far produced.

Prime Minister Mordi is damn right on that.

India- born Nickey Haley was the clear winner of that debate in my opinion.

She has a chance to become the nominee but for the fact that America does not seem ready to elect their first female President as can be inferred from their rejection of Hillary Clinton in the Electoral College, but Nickey Haley could well be a shoo-in for VP at some point in the future pretty much like Kamala Harris with her roots traced back to the same India which has just landed a Satellite on the Moon as we speak.

India has become the first developing nation to ever do that. Indian immigrants have become a force to reckon with in America, if you see what I see.

If Republicans are as loyal and rigid and adamant and in love with the American Constitution like they are with crooked and outlaw Donald Trump, the quagmire America faces today would not have arisen.

If they were as loyal to Democracy, they would never have kept the Fraud called the Electoral College garbage up till now like I have consistently argued in all of my articles on that subject.

Seen below is the mug shot of the first American President
to embarrass and disgrace America by leading a Coup against Democracy and now paying the penalty like he should.

I rest my case.

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