“I told them I didn’t want kids” — Man with seven children from seven babymamas explains why he is a deadbeat father (video)

Man with seven

A man who has seven children with seven different women has revealed why he is not present in his children’s lives.

In a video making rounds online, the man explained that he told the women he impregnated that he didn’t want children and offered to pay for an abortion.

He stated that while some agreed to terminate their pregnancies, the seven women with whom he has children chose to keep their pregnancies.

According to him, since he stated clearly from the start that he did not want to be a father, he is not obligated to be financially, spiritually, and emotionally available for the children.


On his decision to have unprotected sex with these women despite not wanting kids, he averred that they were all irresponsible for not using protection but it doesn’t mean he has to be responsible for the kids.

Speaking further, he explained that he didn’t love any of his babymamas and did the bare minimum for them before they allowed him sleep with them, which unfortunately resulted in pregnancies. He then questioned how he is supposed to love the kids when he doesn’t love their mothers.

Following his experience, the man warned women to be careful with the type of men they sleep with before they end up like his babymamas.

Watch him speak below,

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