I would’ve fainted if told to expect seven babies –Woman delivered of septuplets

Ngozi Uzodike

A 36-year-old lecturer, Ngozi Uzodike, tells IKENNA OBIANERI about her scary journey to the delivery of her septuplets and the mixed feelings thereafter 

What was the experience like for you to be in labour for sextuplets?

Before the labour started, I never knew it was going to be a birth of sextuplets. In other words, I did not foresee any challenge. I had hoped for a smooth delivery, but the story changed when the contraption started on January 1. Since it was my first labour experience, I relied on the experiences of other people that I have heard to encourage a. Some experiences were good while others were not too pleasant. My experience was not really a pleasant one. But in everything, I still give God all the glory for seeing me through from the period of conception, all through the journey till the day I started contraption. I experienced contraption for a whole week. The contraption started on January 1 and by the grace of God on January 7, my ‘water’ broke and I was first rushed down to a hospital in Awka, but when the hospital in Awka could not handle my situation, I was referred to Obijackson Specialist Hospital, Okija. I saw that ‘water’ broken as a sort of relief because the contraption was really dealing with me. My body was paining me together with the pains of injection and drip I had been given and all that. So, on that morning of January 8, I was delivered of sextuplets and it was through a caesarean section.

It was when I entered into the labour room that the doctors noticed that they were seven babies and the first thing I observed the doctors telling themselves was that, “this was a high risk pregnancy, it can only be God”, and that I was supposed to have given birth before that week. They said nobody can carry those babies up to the period I carried them. It was the hand of God in me. So, for God saving my life all through that delivery journey was not an easy experience. That was my experience from conception till the day I put to bed.


What happened thereafter?

Three days after, I was discharged from the theatre, I started noticing that fluid was dripping out from the section I was operated on, and it smelt. So, I drew the attention of the nurses and when the chief doctor came, they told me that they would have to open up that wound again and that I would have to enter the theatre again. So, the thought of entering into the theatre again became another burden entirely because the wound of where I was operated upon has not healed and I was told I would enter into the theatre again. When I entered into the theatre again, the pains were out of this world because this time around, I was not induced as I was conscious and was seeing the doctors doing what they were doing. After this, I was in severe pains for good three weeks. I thank the doctors; they really tried. I knew the efforts they made to ensure that I came out of this alive. It was after the suction that my healing started. In fact, I am better, I am happy, I am smiling. This is me back to life.

What time did you arrive at Okija from Awka?

We were in a hospital in Awka, but when they could not handle my condition, we were referred to this place. We left Awka at about 2am and we arrived here in Okija at about 4am in an ambulance. The nurses on the ground immediately cleaned me up and prepared me for theatre, and at about 8am, I was taking to the theatre. It did not take long before the babies started coming out. My husband was with me throughout the delivery, he was there when the babies started coming out. Our expectation was that they were going to be three, but we were surprised that they were seven.

Did you entertain any fear travelling from Awka to Okija in the night and what was the experience like?

Yes, because of the security situation on that axis. But there was nothing I could do as I was in between life and death. We had no choice than to embark on the journey; my husband encouraged me to manage and hold myself and fortunately, we arrived safely.

Were you conscious when the babies were coming out?

I was subconscious, but at a point, I was not conscious again. I slept or something and I did not know what was happening. The babies came out within one hour between 8am and 9am.

Did you experience any difficulty during the pregnancy period?

No. I was strong all through my pregnancy journey because during the period, I was undergoing my normal activities and going everywhere I wanted, including to the classroom and lecturing, and I was doing all these with ease. Although, occasionally, I felt very heavy and sometimes, I would have difficulty in breathing as it would appear everywhere was filled up from my stomach to the point of my nose. When in that situation, I would be suspecting maybe I had overfed or something like that, but I never knew it was the number of babies that was causing it.

Were you not told that you were carrying seven babies in all the places you went for scan during the antenatal period?

I ran scan all throughout my antenatal base up to 15 times, without any sign that they were seven babies. The scan was showing three, at a point, I started feeling severe pains and also feeling that the babies were more than what the scan was telling me, but the doctor and the lab technicians always insisted that they were three. Sometimes, they would say the screen showed three, another time, they would say the screen showed four. So, at a point, I just made up my mind that the babies were three as they were not specific. God hid the actual number of the babies from everybody, and it was good like that because if I had been told that I was carrying seven babies in my womb, I would have fainted because I would be so afraid and I don’t think I would have the courage to face the labour. Even the three they told me, I was afraid each time I remember that I was carrying three babies, my heartbeat increases, not to talk of being told that they were seven. But as you can see, God proved science wrong.

Did the doctor tell you the reason the scan did not reveal you were carrying seven babies?

I asked them and they said they had not seen this kind of situation all through their practice. Up till now, they still say they have not understood the mystery of what happened and how it happened.

What has this experience taught you?

My delivery experience has taught me a lot. First, I have come to appreciate that God is omniscience, He is bigger than science. If not for the hand of God, what I passed through would have been a different story. These babies publicised me and made me more popular. I am a very private person, but as you can see, they have made the whole world know who I am. People, who read or heard about the story both in the social and mainstream media, have been calling me from every part of the world. Another experience is that everything that has a beginning has an end, because when I was passing through the severe pains, I never believed that it would end one day. I kept asking myself if the pains would ever end, but as you can see today, the pains are gone. My experience in the second theatre is unforgettable, because the pain I passed through was bigger than all the pregnancy processes.

Was it a natural conception or through IVF?

This is the aspect I will choose to keep private. There are certain things I will not like to talk about in the public space; the act of God is not something that should be disputed. My delivery was an act of God.

How are the babies doing now?

The babies are doing great. One thing God did for me is that even though they are many, all their vital organs are intact. In many of such cases, we always heard one form of complication or the other, but this one, did not come with any complication, God really showed himself worthy and mighty in the lives of the babies. So, for today, the babies are doing fine and I give God thanks for how far He has brought them.

At what stage are they now?

They are at the stage of what is called ‘kangaroo mother care’. It is a stage where the mother carries the baby on her chest for bonding purposes. We go to the intensive care unit where they are and we carry them on our chests for some moment in order to bond with them, we (father and mother) go there two times daily, and each time we go, the babies have already known us, they have already identified us because each time we approach them, they start showing signs that suggest that they have recognised us.

How many days have they spent in the ICU?

They have been in the ICU since they were born up till now. The reason is that they were born prematurely at 26th week gestation period and they will need to be in the ICU till they fully developed the vital organs.

How did you feel when you heard that one of them did not make it alive?

Every mother will cry over the loss of her baby, it was not a funny experience, but God knows the best and I don’t have to query Him. They were two boys and five girls; it was the sixth one that could not make it alive. I have cried and moved on, I thank God for the ones that are alive.

How old are you and when did you get married?

I am 36 years old and I got married in September 2020.

Where are you from?

I am from Umunze in Oyi Local Government of Anambra State.

Have you had children before the new born babies?

None! These ones are our first children and they will be the last.

Have you been pregnant before then?

No. It was my first pregnancy.

When did you start lecturing?

I started lecturing in 2020 in the Business Administration Department at the Faculty of Management Science, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka.

It was said that you have not received any salary since you started work. How true is that and what have your employers done in reaction to this development?

Well, so far, so good. My Head of Department and the Dean of the institution have reached out to me and they told me that they are preparing something for me and my babies. Although I have not heard from the Vice Chancellor, I am sure he is also doing something as regards the development. It is very true that I have not received any salary since I started work in 2020 till date. I have been promoted from Assistant Lecturer to Lecturer II. I am even due for confirmation, but you cannot be confirmed without your payment slip. Over a 100 of us are affected, especially those employed within that 2020 period. They said it is the case of IPPIS and since then, they have been turning us up and down.

Have you made any effort to draw the attention of your employers towards your present development and plight?

We have made a lot of efforts both as an individual and collectively. We have written series of letters; we have met the House of Assembly Committee on Education, we have done virtually everything that is supposed to be done. We have reached out to IPPIS people; we have reached out to the Ministry of Finance, but until now, nothing tangible has been done to that effect. I am appealing to the Federal Government as my employers to consider my plight and release our salaries. It has not been easy, especially with the present situation I am in now. I need the money to take care of a lot of things; we really need to settle the bills, and it is choking, it is not an easy task. At least, when the salaries and allowances are released, it will go a long way in helping to solve the present situation. I am also pleading with the good people of Nigeria to come to our aide. I don’t know how to say or do this, but we really need the help of Nigerians. We still need money and financial help from anywhere. I am also pleading with my VC to continue to push our case before the Federal Government.

At the initial stage, your husband sought assistance to clear the bill of N19m said to be the cost of delivery and other expenses. What is the latest development on the matter?

Yes. We sought the assistance of well meaning Nigerians because all we have has been exhausted, nothing is left with us. The hospital initially said we should be expecting approximately N19m which was at the rate of N3.2m per child. The cost of caring for the babies is enormous because the babies came out prematurely at the 26th week gestation period and they were placed under intensive care unit and each of them will cost N3m to allow their organs develop. But as it is now, the bill would have increased because we have been here since January. Every second, they are in oxygen, and it is capital intensive. Initially, the bill was an estimated amount, but as it is now, I doubt if that N19m will still be enough.

At what stage is the payment now?

We still have a very long way to go. First, let me express my gratitude to everyone who has shown concern to our plight. People responded positively, and what was realised has been deposited into the hospital’s account, but it is still a far cry to what is left. We are still appealing to well meaning individuals for assistance.

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