PUNCH Panorama: Living ‘Normal’ When Truly Special

PUNCH Panorama: Living ‘Normal’ When Truly Special

Her name is Jessikah Inaba.

She’s a woman, she’s black and she is blind. Inaba is also the first blind and black woman to become a barrister in the United Kingdom.

Her inspiring story broke this week and it serves as the perfect background for this podcast on special persons in our society.

Given the religious nature of our society, it is not unlikely for persons living with disability to believe for a miracle, it is also highly likely that their friends and family will also join them, however, it is important to accept and find ways to live fulfilling lives with physical disabilities.


To achieve this, the role of parents and guardians cannot be dismissed. They have to serve as encouragers, listening ears and even fight for the good of their loved ones.

We salute the special ones and hail their support system. Please listen to our podcast and share your thoughts.

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