2023 GREAT Scholarships at University of Manchester in UK


University of Manchester, UK is partnering with the UK government’s GREAT Britain campaign and the British Council to provide the amount of up to £15,000 tuition fee award to cover tuition fees of interested applicants.

Why choose to study at the University of Manchester? Students will rapidly learn skills and gain exposure to experiences that will set them apart in this job market.


Eligibility: To be eligible, you must;

  • be a citizen of the above mentioned countries.
  • be motivated and academically able to follow and benefit from a UK postgraduate taught course
  • must be proficient in English Language

Eligible Countries: Bangladesh, Kenya, Mexico, Nigeria, Pakistan, Thailand and Turkey

Type: Postgraduate

Value of Award: Up to £15,000

Number of Awards: Not Mentioned

Method of Application: Applicants must submit their admission applications via the application portal.

Application Deadline: 1 June 2023.

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