2023: Don’t allow yourself to be used to destabilise Nigeria – Rev. Hayab to youths


The Country Director, Global Peace Foundation Nigeria (GPFN), Rev. John Joseph Hayab, has enjoined youths of the country as stakeholders in the Nigeria project not to allow themselves to be used before, during and after the 2023 elections by greedy politicians to destabilise the good intentions of government to ensure peaceful transition to another political leader.

He charged them to see the future of Nigeria as their responsibility, to ensure its future, stability and the sustenance of political culture that engages all Nigerians as a family irrespective of any difference for the development of the country.

Speaking through the programme manager, GPFN, Abdul Ahmed, in Kaduna at a town hall meeting of youth participation in politics organised by Justice, Development and Peace Caritas and Global Peace Foundation Nigeria, Rev. Hayab advised Nigerian youths not to allow themselves to be used to cause confusion for the future of the country, stressing: “The future of Nigeria squarely lies in the hands of the youths to judiciously guard it so that they will safeguard their future and later enjoy the fruit of their labour of an entity that will be seen as a big family that cannot be broken any evil force.”

He said now is the time that the youths of the country would put aside any differences and work as a people that have focus on how they want to future of the country will look by coming out in large numbers to vote for candidates of their choice for presidential and members of the assemblies that will lead the country from its wilderness to the Promised Land.

Rev. Hayab said: “Time has come and it is now that the youths of Nigeria must take the destiny of the country in their hands and ensure credible leaders are elected into political offices that will give the country a right sense of belonging not leaders that are coming to plug the country into another confusion in all ramifications.”


He urged youths to unite among themselves and not be divided along religious, tribal or sectional lines, saying that it would be the easiest way to put them into perpetual suffering and backwardness in all spheres of life.

The Catholic Archbishop of Kaduna, Most Rev. Mathew Man-Oso Ndagoso, who was represented by the Coordinator, Justice, Development and Peace Centre, Rev. Father Joshua Achir noted that youths have a role to play in the future electioneering process that would see to the election of the people’s choice.

According to him, the political climate at the moment worries him, lamenting that there are palpable tensions in the country, saying: “The insecurity, the number of persons displaced from their communities, the number of those already disenfranchised, the number of alleged damaged or burnt permanent voter cards, allegations of ongoing vote-buying, the alleged registration of children in the northern part of the country as eligible voters by INEC, the burning of INEC offices, the unguarded utterances of political actors and their supporters on the campaign trail, even the designing of new notes are all a thing of concern.”

2023: Don’t allow yourself to be used to destabilise Nigeria – Rev. Hayab to youths

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